
Meet our 2021 IsaBody Round 1 Finalists!

By |August 17th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

It's been another 16 weeks of transformations, inspiring stories and lifechanging results. Get to know the three Finalists who were chosen as having the top transformations out of the whole round. Pretty impressive stuff! Lukas I'm 34 and I can honestly say I went on my first diet when I was 14. I've always been sporty, whether boxing, parkour or unicycling, but dealing with food has always stressed me out. I want it to be easy and quick, so I never learned to eat healthy and I’ve not felt confident with my body for over 20 years. With every diet, I’ve always fluctuated and not sustained the weight loss, so after seeing some amazing long term results from Isagenix, I [...]

Meet your IsaBody Round 3 Finalists

By |January 13th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

Ramon  After trying every diet under the sun, Ramon was looking for a sustainable lifestyle change. He’s been using Zija products for years, and after they joined up with Isagenix, he started seeing some amazing results from people using Isagenix products, so he decided to take the plunge. He never expected to get to this point of being a finalist, and now he can’t believe his own results! “I’ve always been overweight, and during lockdown I became even more inactive. I just knew I needed to make a change. I’m a very competitive person, so joining IsaBody just seemed like the obvious choice for me as a way to keep me accountable – plus you get a product coupon just [...]

Congratulations to our Round 3 Honourable Mentions!

By |January 12th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

Alessia Gironi For years Alessia followed her friends Isagenix journey from a far and wanted to start her own. Within days of Isagenix opening in Italy, she ordered her Ultimate Pack, signed up to her first IsaBody Challenge and she’s never looked back. After just one month, with a lot of passion and dedication, Alessia became one of the top enrollers in Italy! “I used to always feel tired and sluggish. Even though I knew I didn’t have to lose a lot of weight, I really wanted to tone up and feel more confident in my own skin. Within a few days of starting my Isagenix journey, I already noticed a change within myself; I had a healthier daily routine, [...]

Congratulations to our Round 2 Honourable Mentions!

By |October 16th, 2020|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

Julie Carr  Julie never thought she’d be in the running for IsaBody because she didn’t have lots of weight to lose, but little did she know we were so inspired by her overall transformation! She’s found something that helps her feel happier and healthier and works for her long term, so if that’s not a transformation, we don’t know what is! “I’ve always been fit and healthy – my dad even grows his own vegetables – so I was skeptical, but then I compared the nutrition of the shakes with what I was eating daily. I realised they gave me more protein and nutrition without all the prep, so I just gave it a go! The first thing I loved [...]

Meet your Round 2 IsaBody Finalists!

By |October 16th, 2020|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

Gil Verstraeten At first Gil had his doubts about starting Isagenix even though his friend had great results, but after he received a second recommendation from his trusted Personal Trainer, he needed to see what all the hype was about. After two weeks, he felt different, after six weeks, he felt in the best shape of his life. “I have always trained and been healthy, the only thing I did differently was use Isagenix and look what happened! I’m now 35 years old and I feel better than I did at 20. Before using Isagenix I would be so hungry if I didn’t eat for a couple of hours, but now I actually feel satisfied because my body’s getting all [...]

How to lose and maintain weight with Isagenix

By |July 1st, 2020|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

Two years later after losing weight, Kasia is maintaining her healthy lifestyle with Isagenix, and has finally found something that can help her stay healthy long term! She’s learnt how to have balance whilst being healthy, meaning she never has to miss a social event again because of the need to stick to a rigid diet. Looking for a healthy lifestyle that’s actually sustainable too? Here’s what she did. Why did you start Isagenix? The main reason I started was because I was feeling exhausted and had no energy. Despite starting a wholefood diet to lose weight after my daughter was born, it just wasn’t working. It was frustrating that even with my healthy eating, I still had no energy [...]

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