Meet our 2022 Round 2 IsaBody Honourable Mentions

October 11, 2022,

Shilpa Dattani

Round 2 of our 2022 IsaBody Challenge has closed and we’re excited to announce our Honourable Mentions. These four inspirational stories will be all the motivation you need to get started with your own IsaBody journey.

Lara Hall-Bryce

Following her second pregnancy, Lara gained 4 stone and was lacking confidence and generally felt unhealthy. Like many of us, she had also fallen into the trap of gaining weight in lockdown and just couldn’t snap out of the poor habits she had developed. She decided enough was enough and turned to Isagenix.

“I got back into using the Isagenix system in May 2021 and worked hard to lose the 4 stone I had gained. I started to exercise again, started to gain some lean muscle and felt brilliant as a result. I entered the IsaBody Challenge to give me that final push I needed to get those last remaining pounds off and keep me accountable.

I am huge picker when it comes to food so the IsaLean bars and Harvest Thins have been such a big help as I still find I like to pick at food whilst I am working or on the go with my two children. To have a healthy and quick snacking option has been brilliant. I am so pleased with my results not just because I feel physically healthier but because mentally I feel the best I have felt in years! I recently attended a friends wedding as a bridesmaid and wore a dress that a few months ago I would never have worn! I felt great and so body confident.

Being confident in my own skin is the best feeling. I know when I’m happier in myself I’m a better mum and wife which is what really matters.”

Mark Bryce

Mark was someone who always prioritised his health and fitness and found healthy living relatively easy. After the arrival of his second child he found his once easily managed routine was much harder to maintain and he found himself struggling with his health. He decided to join the IsaBody Challenge and hasn’t looked back!

“It was quite a shock to the system when our second baby came into the world. When our daughter was born my routine changed but it was manageable. When our son came into the world it absolutely turned our lives upside down and I massively struggled to find a routine that worked and find the motivation I once had.

I had also turned 40 and I think I can speak for most 40-year-olds when I say that you start noticing more aches and pains! I also found it harder to build and maintain lean muscle and noticed for the first time in a long time I was gaining fat.

I decided to commit to the IsaBody Challenge to get back into a good routine with my nutrition and make exercise a priority again. I really hoped by the end of the challenge I would be able to see my abs and gain some size across my chest and shoulders. My goal to get back into clothes that I’d not worn for ages!

After 16 weeks of consistency and I feel really pleased with my results. My next goal is to maintain the healthy routine I’ve established and maintain the physique I have now.”

Sonja Tanzer

After many years of struggling with her weight Sonja Tanzer was introduced to Isagenix by her personal trainer. She began her challenge at a low point in her life when she had made a commitment to lose weight and feel good in her own skin. She was determined to create healthy habits and be a good role model for her son.

“I clearly defined my goals and my target weight of 60kg. I also chose a green dress that I want to wear for a special occasion and kept that front and centre for motivation. In the beginning I was a bit overwhelmed but I was soon able to follow the Isagenix system easily. The next hurdle were the Cleanse Days. I thought it would be tough, but surprisingly I even enjoyed the challenge of doing two Cleanse Days.

I am so happy with the results from my IsaBody Challenge and looking forward to reaching my next goal of losing another 15kg. I want to enjoy the time with my son and do things that I couldn’t do at 114 kg. Everything is easier now, I go swimming with him and soon we will be going travelling again – I’m really looking forward to that. I sleep better, I’m more relaxed and I love being outdoors!”

Elena Ponte

Elena joined the IsaBody Challenge with her partner Marco and experienced incredible results. She is feeling the best she has felt in years and is now so excited to share her results with others.

“I am so happy with the results of the Isagenix program, it has given me so much energy and I feel rejuvenated. I have gone down around three sizes in clothes! Collagen has also helped me a lot and the appearance of my skin is amazing. I love shakes, I find them so tasty and filling.

I use the IsaPro in so many ways, in yogurt, in shakes and in the Bedtime Belly Buster. In the past I have used other proteins that were bothering my stomach, bur the Isagenix protein suits me so much better. My mood has also improved because I have more energy!

Because I look better people give me so many compliments. I feel so good about myself and it feels great to know I can help others feel amazing with Isagenix.”



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