
Congratulations to our Round 1 IsaBody Finalists!

By |August 26th, 2022|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

Lee Barrow It wasn’t my intention to start Isagenix, I just went with my wife to an Isagenix event to support her, but after two months of seeing her transformation, I had to give it a go! I used to be a professional footballer for Nottingham County and Torquay, so when I retired, it was a difficult transition from having fitness at the heart of my job that I loved, to monotonous gym sessions and running. It was so hard to keep that motivation up, and I got up to 18 stone.   Isagenix helped me get back to fitness because quite simply it was so easy –I just have my IsaLean Shake in the morning before work, a shake [...]

Meet our IsaBody Challenge Honourable Mentions for Round 3 2021

By |December 14th, 2021|IsaBody, Results, Uncategorized|

These Round 3 IsaBody Honourable Mentions are all the inspiration you need for your wellness journey. Hear how they changed their lives with the IsaBody Challenge and get ready to be inspired! Tim Goossens Belgium “What gives me the greatest satisfaction is that I can also help others to achieve their goals, thanks to Isagenix” Training and meal prepping have always been a focus for Tim, but an intense and stressful job, working long shifts, meant that he often skipped meals and was left feeling fatigued at the end of a busy day. Tim was looking for an easy solution to make sure he got the nutrients he needed to support his daily lifestyle. [...]

Meet the Round 3 IsaBody Finalists for 2021

By |December 14th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody, Results|

We’ve officially named our nine Finalists of 2021! Meet the three inspirational people who’ve made the cut and are in with a chance of becoming the European IsaBody Grand Prize Winner, winning £5000/€5500 on top of their £1000/€1100 prize for being a Finalist! Michaela Riedlsperger I felt extremely uncomfortable in my body after my two pregnancies, through which I not only gained my two wonderful children but also gained 20 kilograms in weight. My old jeans didn't fit any more and I couldn’t believe it was me when I saw photos of myself. My mum told me that she was starting with Isagenix and wondered whether I would join her because lifestyle changes are always easier if you’re doing it [...]

Meet our 2021 IsaBody Round 2 Finalists

By |October 6th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

David Finnigan Netherlands I work in Aviation which means most of the time I’m away from my family, so when I’m home, I want to be the dad who has the energy to spring into action whenever my two young boys say so. However, my boys knew that they had to wait for me to stretch for ten minutes before stepping into action! I was burnt out, both physically and mentally and even though I could see where I wanted to be with my health and fitness goals, I didn't have the right mindset to address it because I was exhausted. I was simply operating to work, and due to working late and having little time to prepare meals, [...]

Hear from our IsaBody Challenge Honourable Mentions for Round 2 2021

By |October 6th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

Our Round 2 Honourable Mentions have achieved incredible transformations and their wellness journeys will inspire you! Let’s get to know them a little better to find out how they changed their lives with the IsaBody Challenge and what has earned them a spot as a Round 2 Honourable mention. Carly Hewitt United Kingdom “This IsaBody Challenge was everything to me during a tough time.” New baby + Lockdown = a physically and mentally exhausted Carly. Carly was desperate to feel better, start exercising, and get back to a good place after having an extremely difficult time. So, as soon as she could, Carly signed up for the IsaBody Challenge and instantly felt better to have [...]

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