Maak kennis met onze finalisten van Isabody ronde 2!

By |October 10th, 2022|Featured IsaBody|

Onze finalisten van Isabody ronde 2 zijn bekend. Het is nu tijd om kennis te maken met deze drie inspirerende mensen die ook nog kans maken om de winnaar van de Europese IsaBody Grand Prize te worden. Zij maken tevens kans op £ 5000/€ 5500 bovenop hun prijs van £ 1000/€ 1100 omdat ze een IsaBody Finalist zijn! Marco Cairo Marco begon met Isagenix toen Zija zich bij de Isagenix-familie aansloot. Hij volgde al vele jaren het succes van Isagenix en was enthousiast over het potentieel van Isagenix en hoe het hem kon helpen zijn business uit te breiden. “Ik zag dat de producten en het beloning systeem fantastisch waren, dus voor mij was dit echt geweldig nieuws.” Ik had [...]

Meet the Round 3 IsaBody Finalists for 2021

By |December 14th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody, Results|

We’ve officially named our nine Finalists of 2021! Meet the three inspirational people who’ve made the cut and are in with a chance of becoming the European IsaBody Grand Prize Winner, winning £5000/€5500 on top of their £1000/€1100 prize for being a Finalist! Michaela Riedlsperger I felt extremely uncomfortable in my body after my two pregnancies, through which I not only gained my two wonderful children but also gained 20 kilograms in weight. My old jeans didn't fit any more and I couldn’t believe it was me when I saw photos of myself. My mum told me that she was starting with Isagenix and wondered whether I would join her because lifestyle changes are always easier if you’re doing it [...]

Congratulations to our Round 3 Honourable Mentions!

By |January 12th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

Alessia Gironi For years Alessia followed her friends Isagenix journey from a far and wanted to start her own. Within days of Isagenix opening in Italy, she ordered her Ultimate Pack, signed up to her first IsaBody Challenge and she’s never looked back. After just one month, with a lot of passion and dedication, Alessia became one of the top enrollers in Italy! “I used to always feel tired and sluggish. Even though I knew I didn’t have to lose a lot of weight, I really wanted to tone up and feel more confident in my own skin. Within a few days of starting my Isagenix journey, I already noticed a change within myself; I had a healthier daily routine, [...]

Meet our IsaBody Grand Prize Winner 2020!

By |June 1st, 2020|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

Willem Lange made one small decision to start an IsaBody Challenge®, and that step turned out to be life changing. It’s led to a whole new healthy lifestyle, he’s transformed his body, he feels confident again and he’s just won €5,500 because his transformation was voted as the best in Europe! Can you imagine winning that amount of money for achieving your goals? If you’re feeling inspired and want to know how our 2020 European IsaBody Grand Prize Winner did it, read on! How do you feel after winning IsaBody? I feel amazing! My dream really came true! Last year I was sitting in the audience during my first event watching the 2019 IsaBody Finalists, and their stories showed me [...]

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