
Matt Kennedy puts AMPED Post-Workout to the test

Before launch, we asked a group of Associates to put AMPED Post-Workout to the test so we could see what they thought about our newest product. Matt Kennedy who’s a keen bodybuilder, Olympic lifter and [...]

February 20th, 2020|Categories: Product|

Matt Kennedy stelt AMPED Post-Workout op de proef

Voorafgaand aan de introductie hebben we een groep Associates AMPED Post-Workout laten testen om te kijken wat ze van ons nieuwste product vonden. Matt Kennedy, een fervent bodybuilder, gewichtheffer en bokser, werd gevraagd om aan [...]

February 19th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Qui sera le gagnant de notre grand prix IsaBody ?

Willem Lange  Commencer le défi IsaBody Challenge paraissait être une décision sans conséquences, et pourtant, celle-ci s’est avérée bouleversante. Avant le défi, je ne me sentais plus moi-même : j’étais malheureux, j’étais constamment fatigué et me [...]

February 17th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Who will become our IsaBody Grand Prize Winner?

Each person below was crowned a 'Finalist' for having the top three transformations in their IsaBody Challenge - each winning £1,000/€1,100 and a personal photo shoot! Now all eight finalists from 2019 are going head [...]

February 17th, 2020|Categories: IsaBody|
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