Word als Founder deelgenoot van de geschiedenis van Isagenix!
Nu je eerste systeem is besteld, ben je begonnen met het opbouwen van je team en ben je benieuwd wat de toekomst zal brengen. Groot gelijk! Onze openingsweek in Nederland was fantastisch en om het succes van [...]
Make Isagenix History As A Founder!
By now, you’ve ordered your first system, started building your team and are already feeling excited about what the future holds – and so you should! Our opening week in Ireland and the Netherlands was amazing [...]
Product uitgelicht: 5 redenen om van IsaPro® te houden!
Eiwitten vormen een essentieel deel van het dieet en ze worden belangrijker naarmate je actiever wordt, vooral als je weerstandstraining in je programma opneemt (1, 2). Als je het lastig vindt voldoende eiwitten te nemen, [...]
What it Means to Have No-Compromise Quality
Have you ever wondered whether dietary supplements offer the right kind and the right amount of ingredients? Good manufacturing practices are a crucial component when it comes to the efficacy of a dietary supplement. At [...]
Customer Care – Answering Your Queries One Call At A Time!
Thinking of contacting Customer Care? This ultra-positive, multilingual team are on hand to support your calls and emails, answer your questions and help to keep your orders and business moving in the right direction! To [...]
De klantendienst: bel ons met je vragen!
Wil je contact opnemen met de klantendienst? Ons zeer positieve meertalige team staat klaar voor ondersteuning bij je telefoontjes en e-mails, het beantwoorden van je vragen en hulp om je bestellingen en onderneming op koers [...]
Shannon Fisher on Finding Your Crystal Clear ‘WHY’
Last week we kicked off our Monday night Zoom calls with the creator of the 90-Day Action plan, our Owner and Executive Vice President, Kathy Coover. Throughout the three months that the 90-Day Action Plan [...]
Leaders Grow Here
Having no-compromise and effective products and hundreds of thousands of customers around the world who love to share them are two of the strongest attributes that continue to fuel our growth. Leadership is a critical [...]
Meet Your IsaRally Iceland Winners!
On stage, at IsaU London the IsaRally Iceland winners were crowed (with viking helmets)! The teams, a long with the individual winners got to walk on stage in front of over 1000 people, and be recognised [...]
To Cardio or Not to Cardio?
It’s a well-known fact that exercise is an essential part of staying healthy, but what types of physical activity are best? Most people know that resistance training is essential for building muscle, but is there [...]