Featured IsaBody

Congratulations to our 2018 Round 1 IsaBody Challenge Honourable Mentions!

By |July 24th, 2018|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

We are so excited to announce our four IsaBody Challenge®  Honourable Mentions who worked hard to transform their bodies and lifestyle and achieved great results! These four participants will each receive £500/€550, a professional photoshoot as well as ticket to local events. Amanda McCammon Age: 41 Height: 1.60/5’2’’ Location: Coventry, United Kingdom Challenge Start Weight: 141.03 lbs / 64.10 kg Challenge End Weight: 117.49 lbs / 53.40 kg Weight Loss During Challenge: 23.54 lbs /10.70 kg * Total Challenges Completed: 1 As a single mum of five kids, Amanda was living on very little sleep and was constantly tired. With no motivation and needing to nap between the school run, Amanda was reaching for junk food to get her through the day. “I [...]

IsaBody Challenge Finalists 2017!

By |December 15th, 2017|Featured Home, Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

We’ve approached the end of an inspiring IsaBody Challenge®, and this judging period uncovered some remarkable finalists! These individuals dedicated 16 weeks to their transformation, and their hard work has paid off! Each of these IsaBody™ Finalists will receive £1,000, a personal photoshoot and a chance to compete for the Grand prize. Meet your IsaBody Challenge Finalists 2017! Name: Jonathan Bridges Age: 46 Height: 1.78m Total Weight Loss: 37 kg/80 lbs* Number of Challenges: 1 Location: Merseyside, UK After suffering a series of personal tragedies and the breakdown of his marriage, Jonathan had started to experience a lifestyle built around comfort eating, as a result he constantly felt overweight. He felt self-conscious and avoided shopping for clothes. Then after being introduced to [...]

Career Woman and Mum Wins it All

By |September 7th, 2017|Featured Home, Featured International, Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

When Helen Costa-Giles heard her name announced on stage at Celebration as the 2017 IsaBody Challenge® Grand Prize Winner, at first she was frozen. A big believer in the power of visualisation, Helen visualised her name being called, but even when it happened, she still wasn’t prepared to hear it. “I was in shock,” she said. Finding the Solution Helen’s journey to the Celebration stage was not easy. It took years and multiple Challenges to earn the title of Grand Prize Winner. As a busy career woman and mum to two young boys, Helen knew that she needed a solution after an annual visit to her doctor helped her realise how bad her health was. She was obese. Until that [...]

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