
Ontmoet onze eervolle vermeldingen voor de IsaBody Challenge Ronde 3 2021

By |December 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Deze Ronde 3 IsaBody Honourable Mentions zijn alle inspiratie die je nodig hebt voor je wellness reis. Hoor hoe ze hun leven veranderden met de IsaBody Challenge en maak je klaar om geïnspireerd te worden! Tim Goossens België “Wat me de grootste voldoening geeft is dat ik ook anderen kan helpen hun doelen te bereiken, dankzij Isagenix” Trainen en maaltijden bereiden waren altijd al een aandachtspunt voor Tim, maar een intense en stressvolle baan, waarin hij lange diensten draaide, betekende dat hij vaak maaltijden oversloeg en zich aan het eind van een drukke dag vermoeid voelde. Tim zocht een eenvoudige oplossing om ervoor te zorgen dat hij de voedingsstoffen binnenkreeg die hij nodig had [...]

Meet our IsaBody Challenge Honourable Mentions for Round 3 2021

By |December 14th, 2021|IsaBody, Results, Uncategorized|

These Round 3 IsaBody Honourable Mentions are all the inspiration you need for your wellness journey. Hear how they changed their lives with the IsaBody Challenge and get ready to be inspired! Tim Goossens Belgium “What gives me the greatest satisfaction is that I can also help others to achieve their goals, thanks to Isagenix” Training and meal prepping have always been a focus for Tim, but an intense and stressful job, working long shifts, meant that he often skipped meals and was left feeling fatigued at the end of a busy day. Tim was looking for an easy solution to make sure he got the nutrients he needed to support his daily lifestyle. [...]

Gala Award Achievers 2021

By |October 15th, 2021|Recognition|

Put your hands together for our Gala Award achievers 2021! Spirit of Isagenix This voter’s choice award is given to one Associate who inspires others with their leadership, lives the values and principles of Isagenix and empowers others to change their lives for the better. This prestigious award goes to... Michael Bockaert A big shout out to our other two nominees Nick Dask and Olga Rodriguez. Legacy Club This coveted group gives recognition to Isagenix Legacy Club Millionaires** – Associates who have built a thriving business to cumulatively earn $1 million USD or more with Isagenix. Award recipient: Heather Atkinson [...]

Conheça os nossos Finalistas IsaBody Round 2 de 2021

By |October 6th, 2021|Uncategorized|

David Finnigan Países Baixos Eu trabalho na área da aviação, o que significa que a maior parte do tempo estou longe da minha família. Por isso, quando estou em casa, quero ser o pai que tem a energia para entrar em ação sempre que os meus dois jovens rapazes pedem. Mas os meus filhos sabiam que tinham de esperar que eu fizesse alongamentos durante dez minutos antes de entrar em ação! Eu estava desgastado, tanto física como mentalmente e, embora soubesse o que queria alcançar com os meus objetivos de saúde e boa forma física, não tinha o estado de espírito certo para abordar o assunto porque estava exausto. Estava simplesmente a operar para trabalhar, e como trabalhava até [...]

Incontra i nostri finalisti del 2021 IsaBody Round 2!

By |October 6th, 2021|Uncategorized|

David Finnigan Paesi Bassi Lavoro nell’aviazione, e per la maggior parte del tempo sono lontano dalla mia famiglia. Ecco perché, quando torno a casa, voglio essere un papà che ha l’energia di entrare in azione ogni volta che i miei due ragazzi me lo chiedono. Tuttavia, loro hanno sempre saputo di dover aspettare i miei dieci minuti di stretching prima che fossi pronto per l’azione! Ero sfinito, sia fisicamente che mentalmente, e anche se riuscivo a vedere quali fossero i miei obiettivi di salute ed esercizio fisico, non ero pronto a perseguirli perché mi sentivo esausto. Semplicemente, non facevo altro che lavorare. Tornando a casa tardi, avevo poco tempo per preparare la cena, così l’opzione più facile erano spuntini [...]

Treffen Sie unsere 2021 IsaBody Runde 2 Finalisten

By |October 6th, 2021|Uncategorized|

David Finnigan Niederlande Ich arbeite in der Luftfahrtindustrie, was bedeutet, dass ich die meiste Zeit von meiner Familie getrennt bin. Wenn ich dann zu Hause bin, möchte ich der Vater sein, der die Energie hat, mit seinen beiden Jungs herumzutoben, und zwar egal, wann. Allerdings wussten meine Jungs schon, dass ich mich erst einmal zehn Minuten ausstrecken musste, bis ich einsatzbereit war! Ich war sowohl körperlich als auch geistig ausgebrannt und obwohl ich wusste, in welche Richtung meine Gesundheits- und Fitnessziele gehen sollten, hatte ich nicht den Kopf dazu, sie anzugehen, weil ich erschöpft war. Ich habe irgendwie funktioniert, aber da ich lange arbeiten musste und nur wenig Zeit hatte, um mir etwas zu kochen, war es am einfachsten, [...]

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