Building Healthy Habits: Anya’s IsaBody Kickstart 90 journey
Anya’s inspiring journey left us in awe, earning her a well-deserved second-place spot for the IsaBody Kickstart 90, winning a £1650/€2000 cash prize!
IsaBody Kickstart 90: Meet your third-place finalists
All finishing in third place, Adrian, Andrea, Caroline, Lauranne and Sarah proved that with the right mindset and community, you can achieve anything...
Global Celebration 2017 Event Recap
The Top 25 winners of IsaRally Vegas joined nearly 15,000 Isagenix Associates from around the world at the global Celebration 2017 for a week of inspiring, high-level business training and extravagant nightlife in Las Vegas! In addition to the fun and excitement of Celebration, the rally winners also took time to see a Cirque du Soleil show before travelling to Arizona for a tour of the Isagenix world headquarters. But just because Celebration may be over, that doesn’t mean the fun and excitement have to stop—we have our sights set on the future: Ireland and Netherlands Launching End of 2017 Perhaps the most exciting announcement to come out of Celebration are our plans to launch in the Republic of Ireland [...]
Meet Your IsaRally Vegas Winners!
It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for! It's time to find out who will be jetting off to Las Vegas in August to join us at the global Celebration event! We revealed the names on a Facebook Live video last night but in case you missed it, we are thrilled to announce the UK's first IsaRally winners. These 25 individuals worked incredibly hard to earn their prize and should be so proud of what they have achieved. We hope you are as excited as we are for the trip we have in store! Please join us in congratulating... Heather Atkinson Emma & Cam Poli Michelle Johnson Trisha & John Kavanagh Sharon Devlin Lara & Mark Hall-Bryce Raven Ian & Sue Smith Amy [...]