success stories

From Tired and Miserable to the Best Shape of His Life

By |January 23rd, 2019|Recognition|

Sam Edwards was looking to make a change to his health. “I was miserable, tired and drinking too much and I was annoyed with the lack of results going to the gym. I had a belly I just couldn’t shift and was hating my job as a scaffolder which was breaking my back every day.” He was introduced to Isagenix by his friend John and quickly started to see results. “Since using the Isagenix products I’m now in the best shape of my life. My six pack is nearly in sight! Everything has changed, I’m happier, more energetic my mental clarity is amazing and I feel like a new person!” After experiencing his incredible product results, Sam grabbed the business [...]

From Product Sharers To Business Builders

By |August 24th, 2018|Featured Home, Recognition|

Kathryn and Mark Pierce were introduced to Isagenix® through Legacy Club Member Heather Atkinson. Initially they both had their apprehensions, however they trusted Heather and decided to give the products a try as they were both keen to improve their health. Within just a few weeks they both noticed a positive difference. Soon, they were sharing Isagenix with their friends and family. Something they hadn’t set out to do initially. Before they knew it, they were earning an additional income with Isagenix and that was when the penny dropped. From simply using the products, they were now taking steps towards growing a business with Isagenix. Building the Business “In the beginning, our prime focus was to use the products and [...]

From Exhausted Firefighter to Energised Family Man

By |February 23rd, 2018|Featured Home, IsaBody|

Clark Gibson had three jobs and was physically and mentally exhausted. Along with a part time firefighting role he had taken two other physically demanding jobs to support his newly born son. He was the sole provider in his household as he and his wife had made the decision for her to give up work and look after their baby. Because of his fully packed sixty five+ hour work week Clark was eating badly and spending very little time at home. He finally decided to take action and make a change in his life when, because of shear exhaustion and dehydration, he had one day collapsed after doing some simple DIY projects on his house. This scared him particularly because of [...]

Conquering the Weight Loss Rollercoaster

By |December 8th, 2017|Featured Home, Recognition|

Michael Billington will tell you that he has struggled with weight all his life. For over 40 years he had tried countless products and plans but could never seem to lose the weight and keep it off. In the end though, the result was always the same, he ended up putting the weight back on again. Michael was falling asleep at his job, suffering from all manner of aches and pains, due to his weight and even struggling to tie his own shoe laces. After nearly four decades of riding the weight loss rollercoaster, he lost his motivation and began to accept he would be overweight forever. That is, until he found Isagenix. Michael was introduced to Isagenix by a [...]

Holistic Health Practitioner Regains Her Confidence with Isagenix

By |September 28th, 2017|Featured Home, Recognition|

It often seems like those who spend all of their time taking care of others rarely have time to take care of themselves. This was certainly the case for Jodie, a holistic health therapist from Leeds Working at a five-star spa, Jodie would work long stretches of time without days off—sometimes up to nine days in a row. Working in a darkened room and rarely seeing sunlight only added to her feeling fatigued. Looking for something different, she decided to become self-employed and work from a spare room in her mum’s home. At first, she enjoyed the independence and the opportunity to connect with clients and form a deeper relationship with them than she might have before. Being self-employed also [...]

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