Building Healthy Habits: Anya’s IsaBody Kickstart 90 journey
Anya’s inspiring journey left us in awe, earning her a well-deserved second-place spot for the IsaBody Kickstart 90, winning a £1650/€2000 cash prize!
IsaBody Kickstart 90: Lara’s journey to second place success
With the Isagenix community behind her, there’s no stopping our second-placed finalist, who won a £1650/€2000 cash prize for her incredible achievements! Lara D’haese transformed her mindset and lost an impressive 20kg in the process. Now Lara feels like a whole new person, with healthy habits she can sustain for a lifetime...
IsaBody Challenge – Hear From Those In The Know!
What better way to get your IsaBody Challenge questions answered, than by asking someone who has completed it themselves? They have been where you are – ready to get started – and gone onto not only achieve amazing results, but to help others do the same! Meet Tami Shervey. You might recognise her from onstage at the UK's Grand Opening event, where she inspired the crowd to set themselves the challenge and get moving towards their goals. As IsaBody Grand Prize Winner 2013 and an Isagenix Millionaire, she's the perfect person to tell you what to expect and share her tips of how she achieved success. Tell us about your life before the IsaBody Challenge. "My life didn’t look like [...]
Make Isagenix History As A UK Founder!
By now, you’ve ordered your first system, started building your team and are already feeling excited about what the future holds – and so you should! Our opening week here in the UK was amazing and to celebrate the success of our first stars, we’re launching the UK Founders Club! So, are you ready to take on the challenge and be among the first to be recognised for outstanding achievement in Isagenix? This amazing incentive will recognise UK Associates who have hit the ground running by getting to work building and leading a team.To be recognised for your excellence in leadership in these opening weeks of the UK launch, you need to qualify by achieving one of the following: Reach the rank [...]