
Meet our Round 3 Honourable Mentions

Diana de Vries Before Isagenix I’d already been trying to lose weight for two years with strict eating schedules and training with my fitness trainer, but I just got heavier. I decided to give Isagenix [...]

January 20th, 2020|Categories: IsaBody|

Felicitaties voor onze IsaBody Ronde 3 Finalisten!

Na een 16-weekse transformation challenge te hebben ondergaan, terwijl ze het Isagenix plan volgden, hebben deze uitdagers niet alleen hun lichamen veranderd, maar ook een opbeurend verhaal over hoe hun traject hun leven heeft veranderd, [...]

January 15th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Meet our Round 3 IsaBody Finalists!

After undertaking a 16-week transformation challenge whilst following the Isagenix plan, these finalists have not only transformed their bodies but they've overcome challenges to reach their goals, which is what IsaBody is all about! Well [...]

January 15th, 2020|Categories: IsaBody|
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