
What are Nootropics?

By |November 1st, 2022|Featured Home, Product|

What could you achieve if you had a little more focus in your day? What if your memory was sharper or you could organise your thoughts with greater clarity? Nootropics are one way to support your brain’s full potential. Towards the Mind  In 1972,  Romanian scientist Corneliu E. Giurgea coined the term nootropic following years of research into what he referred to as the brain’s “higher integrative functions”(1). His concept of nootropics was derived from the Greek words nous, which means “mind” and tropē, which means “turning” or “towards” to highlight the benefits of nootropics for enhancing thinking and mental performance. Dr. Giurgea proposed a set of criteria for a substance to be considered a nootropic, including a requirement that it must help to enhance [...]

5 Steps to Creating Collagen Elixir

By |August 19th, 2021|Product|

Collagen is hot right now. With powders, gummies, cookies, and more, the world can’t seem to get enough. For good reason, too — supplementing the diet with high-quality collagen has been shown to help support the body’s own production of collagen, which decreases with age. Plus, with benefits for skin, hair, joints, gut health, and more, who wouldn’t want to give collagen a try? Like with most things, though, all collagen products aren’t created equal. And as you know, our goal  isn’t to create good products, but exceptional ones! So, in an overcrowded world of collagen products, what are some of the factors that make Isagenix Collagen Elixir different? Let’s find out! Beginning With Sustainability Collagen Elixir begins in the [...]

5 Schritte zur Herstellung des Collagen-Elixiers

By |August 19th, 2021|Product|

Kollagen ist im Moment der Renner. Mit Pulvern, Gummibärchen, Keksen und mehr kann die Welt nicht genug davon bekommen. Und das aus gutem Grund: Es ist erwiesen, dass eine Nahrungsergänzung mit hochwertigem Kollagen die körpereigene Kollagenproduktion unterstützt, die mit zunehmendem Alter abnimmt. Außerdem hat es Vorteile für Haut, Haare, Gelenke, Darmgesundheit und vieles mehr - wer würde Kollagen nicht gerne einmal ausprobieren? Wie bei den meisten Dingen sind jedoch nicht alle Kollagen-Produkte gleich. Wie Du sicher weißt, ist es nicht das Ziel, nur gute Produkte zu entwickeln, sondern außergewöhnliche! Welche Faktoren machen das Isagenix Collagen Elixier in einer übersättigten Welt von Kollagen-Produkten so anders? Lass es uns herausfinden! Ausgangspunkt ist die Nachhaltigkeit Collagen Elixir hat seinen Ursprung in den kristallklaren [...]

Peter Van Der Heyden takes his goals to the next level with Isagenix

By |February 26th, 2021|Product|

Ex-professional Club Brugge player, Peter Van Der Heyden, scored in the World Cup, played over 50 times for Belgium’s national team and even did a few seasons in Germany. We were lucky enough to chat to him about his new favourite workout partner, Isagenix! Find out how he’s using Isagenix to help stay fit after his long professional football career, and why he now wouldn’t train without our AMPED products. Why did you start using Isagenix? I found about Isagenix through my friend Patrick who was really excited about it coming to Germany. I loved the sound of the products, so I decided to give it a go. What stood out to me was the combination of having amazing products, [...]

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