Featured IsaBody

Meet our 2021 IsaBody Round 2 Finalists

By |October 6th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

David Finnigan Netherlands I work in Aviation which means most of the time I’m away from my family, so when I’m home, I want to be the dad who has the energy to spring into action whenever my two young boys say so. However, my boys knew that they had to wait for me to stretch for ten minutes before stepping into action! I was burnt out, both physically and mentally and even though I could see where I wanted to be with my health and fitness goals, I didn't have the right mindset to address it because I was exhausted. I was simply operating to work, and due to working late and having little time to prepare meals, [...]

Hear from our IsaBody Challenge Honourable Mentions for Round 2 2021

By |October 6th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

Our Round 2 Honourable Mentions have achieved incredible transformations and their wellness journeys will inspire you! Let’s get to know them a little better to find out how they changed their lives with the IsaBody Challenge and what has earned them a spot as a Round 2 Honourable mention. Carly Hewitt United Kingdom “This IsaBody Challenge was everything to me during a tough time.” New baby + Lockdown = a physically and mentally exhausted Carly. Carly was desperate to feel better, start exercising, and get back to a good place after having an extremely difficult time. So, as soon as she could, Carly signed up for the IsaBody Challenge and instantly felt better to have [...]

Congratulations to our IsaBody® 2021 Round 1 Honourable Mentions!

By |August 18th, 2021|Featured IsaBody|

Picture this: it’s Sunday evening, you’ve had an epic weekend, you’re feeling motivated for Monday and you say to yourself, “This week, I’m going to start to really take care of myself. I’m going to start eating better, moving more and putting my health and wellbeing first”. But then life gets in the way, you lose focus and the motivation you had on Sunday night is pretty much non-existent by midweek. We’ve all been there, right? Our IsaBody® 2021 Round 1 Honourable Mentions probably had the exact same thoughts, but they used Isagenix to help commit to achieving their wellbeing goals by taking on the IsaBody Challenge. These inspiring individuals have proven that moving towards a healthier lifestyle and [...]

Meet our 2021 IsaBody Round 1 Finalists!

By |August 17th, 2021|Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

It's been another 16 weeks of transformations, inspiring stories and lifechanging results. Get to know the three Finalists who were chosen as having the top transformations out of the whole round. Pretty impressive stuff! Lukas I'm 34 and I can honestly say I went on my first diet when I was 14. I've always been sporty, whether boxing, parkour or unicycling, but dealing with food has always stressed me out. I want it to be easy and quick, so I never learned to eat healthy and I’ve not felt confident with my body for over 20 years. With every diet, I’ve always fluctuated and not sustained the weight loss, so after seeing some amazing long term results from Isagenix, I [...]

Introducing our European IsaBody Grand Prize Winner 2021

By |April 23rd, 2021|Featured IsaBody|

A huge congratulations to Sam Edwards, our 2021 official IsaBody Grand Prize Winner! If you weren’t on the Wellbeing Hour call, check out his reaction when he found out he’d won! If you'd like to see the whole call, you can watch the recording here. https://vimeo.com/540619873   How did Sam become our 2021 Grand Prize Winner? It’s not just his impressive physical transformation, but his inspiring journey and the way that he completely turned his life around throughout his IsaBody Challenge. He's one seriously inspirational man! Here's his reaction to being crowned Grand Prize Winner: It's not often you see a scaffolder cry. Ever since I've been with Isagenix, the journey and the events have changed my life! I've [...]

Who will be our 2020 IsaBody Europe Grand Prize Winner?

By |April 9th, 2021|Featured IsaBody|

These 2020 IsaBody Finalists are all the inspiration you need for your wellness journey. Just like everyone else, they’ve dealt with gyms being closed and life being paused but they’ve shown that achieving your goals is possible no matter what life throws at you (and 2020 sure threw a LOT as us right!?). Before we announce the IsaBody Europe Grand Prize Winner on 21 April at our Wellbeing Hour event, let’s recap on what each of our finalists has to say about their IsaBody Challenge journey so far. 2020 IsaBody Round 1 finalists Matt Spencer (United Kingdom) After some huge life changes, Matt felt like he was just plodding through [...]

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