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Grand Opening Updates – Timings, Transport & What To Wear!

By |June 6th, 2017|Events, Featured Home|

The UK's biggest event of the year is getting so close and we can't wait! To help you get ready, here's a few updates and FAQs answered... Tickets tickets tickets! There is still time to invite your friends, family and team members! Tickets are on sale in your Back Office or through the person who introduced you to Isagenix! Don't forget! You have until 16th June to go into your Back Office and assign your tickets to your guest or team member. Purchased a Premium Pack? You can use your £50 event coupon off the price of your Grand Opening ticket. To use the coupon, simply follow this link to your Back Office and log in. Select your chosen number of tickets and click [...]

Congratulations To Our First UK Achievers!

By |June 5th, 2017|Featured Home, Recognition|

After an incredible launch and a huge amount of excitement as people began building their businesses in the UK, we couldn't be happier to recognise the UK’s first Executives, top income earners, new Directors and new Managers who achieved these fantastic ranks within the first two commission weeks of the Isagenix UK opening! These inspiring Associates - our partners - show their dedication and commitment to Isagenix. You can see the full list here: Recognition: UK First Achievers. Please join us in congratulating them all!  

Discover the Isagenix UK Video library!

By |June 2nd, 2017|Featured Home|

Looking for information, inspiration and motivation? The Isagenix UK Video Library has you covered! Covering a wide range of topics from how to conquer Shake and Cleanse Days* to business methods and the IsaBody Challenge, our engaging and easy-to-follow videos are designed with you and your teams in mind. Discover what you need to know in minutes and share Isagenix with others in one simple step. But don’t just take our word for it! We asked top leaders in the field to watch the videos and share their thoughts, and here’s what they had to say…   Heather Atkinson, 1 Star Executive, 9 Star Platinum Circle “Videos are one of the greatest business tools you can use. You become instantly engaged [...]

Meet Your IsaRally Prize Speakers!

By |June 2nd, 2017|Featured Home|

Need another reason to kick-start business-building activity and set your sights on winning the incredible IsaRally prize trip to Las Vegas? We're excited to announce the amazing global leaders that we've lined up to give the IsaRally winners an exclusive training session in Arizona during their expenses-paid* trip this August! After what's sure to be a life-changing experience at Celebration 2017 and a tour of the Isagenix global headquarters, the 20 winners will be treated to inspirational training from two leaders who will share their own stories, guidance on deciding on your 'why', plus tips to make it a reality. And if that wasn't enough, the winners will also receive hugely valuable product training from Product Education Manager, Sara Richter! Read all of their bios [...]

Product Spotlight: 5 Reasons To Love AMPED Hydrate!

By |June 1st, 2017|Featured Home, Product|

Meet AMPED Hydrate: your workout saviour and a staple in many of the Isagenix Energy & Performance and Weight Management solutions. It’s no surprise that Hydrate is a must-have product for supporting a range of exercise needs, and is many people’s go-to sports drink. Read on to discover the top 5 reasons why it's one of our favourites. We know you’re going to love it! Power in your performance  Whatever your weight goals, fitness and exercise are sure to play an essential role in achieving them, which is why it is important to take the right products to support you through your workout. During exercise, your body loses electrolytes through sweat and burns through carbohydrate stores (called glycogen) in muscle. Hydrate [...]

It’s Pay Day! Everything You Need To Know About IsaWallet Revealed…

By |May 30th, 2017|Featured Home|

Congratulations - it's your very first Isagenix pay day! Your hard work is starting to pay off, and this is just the beginning! Look out for two emails that will be arriving in your inbox this evening: An email from Isagenix congratulating you on your first commission and letting you know how much you've earned; An email from IsaWallet informing you that your first commission payment has been added to your IsaWallet account, and prompting you to set up your IsaWallet account. (Make sure you check your junk mailbox too!) To ensure you receive the above emails, please go into your Back Office as soon as possible to check that the email address you have provided is correct. To do this, login to [...]

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