
A New Found Confidence For Matt Dochniak

By |March 11th, 2019|IsaBody|

Weight Loss During Challenge: +17.61lb / +8kg Total Challenges Completed: 1 Solutions Utilised: Energy & Performance Before Isagenix, Matt Dochniak’s friends would have described him as fit, energetic and healthy. But he wasn’t satisfied. His attempts to gain lean muscle were never as successful as he would have wished, and he would sometimes even wear tighter clothes to appear more muscular. As a PE teacher, Matt spent a lot of time talking about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, but he continuously struggled to get results and it took a toll on his confidence. Completing the IsaBody Challenge changed Matt inside and out. He says, “In the first few weeks I felt unstoppable as the scales started to rise [...]

New Year, New Me

By |March 11th, 2019|IsaBody|

Weight Loss During Challenge: - 30 lb / - 13kg* Total Challenges Completed: 1 Solutions Utilised: Weight Management Emma Bowyer returned from holiday and when she stepped on the scale, she realized her weight was at an all-time high. Gone were the days when she enjoyed going to the gym. Playing with her two young children left her out of breath and exhausted. She knew it was time to take action.  A friend introduced her to Isagenix and she hoped it would help her succeed where she had previously failed. Her mantra became “New year, new me by Christmas!” And that’s where her Isagenix journey began. Emma started on her Shake Days and working out and she quickly saw results. Not only was [...]

How Juan José Gained His Active Lifestyle Back

By |March 11th, 2019|IsaBody|

Weight Loss During Challenge: – 19.8 lb / – 9 kg* Total Challenges Completed: 1 Solutions Utilised: Weight Management & Energy & Performance Obesity runs in Juan José Moreno Ruiz’s family. He played sports for years, in an attempt to stay fit, but at 48, he could feel his metabolism slowing down while the number on the scale was rising. He tried everything to lose the extra weight, but nothing provided long lasting results. When Juan José’s wife began using Isagenix, he was skeptical. Before he agreed to try the products, he met with a chemist who explained the various ingredients listed on the packages. Once Juan José  learned specific details about the all-natural ingredients and understood how they worked together to deliver [...]

Mum Gains Confidence With Her Body Again

By |March 11th, 2019|IsaBody|

Weight Loss During Challenge: – 26 lb / – 12 kg* Total Challenges Completed: 1 Solutions Utilised: Weight Management When Judith connected with her friends Esther and Tommy and first heard about Isagenix, she was at an extremely low point in her life. With a low income and all her time and energy devoted to the most important person in her life, her 7-year old son, she knew something had to change. The stress caused by financial struggles and raising a child with Down syndrome (Judith’s pride and joy) was leading to physical and mental strain. In order to really be present and give him the best life she could, Judith needed a plan. Time to make a change After [...]

Overcoming Adversity With IsaBody Challenge® Finalist Toby Giles

By |March 8th, 2019|IsaBody|

Weight Loss During Challenge: – 22.22 lb / – 10.1 kg* Total Challenges Completed: 1 Solutions Utilised: Weight Management When Toby Giles started his Isagenix journey, he’d just experienced the worst few months of his life. After the tragic suicide of his dear friend and business partner he was forced to redirect all his energy into his business, which was feeling an impact. “I had to steer my ship into calmer waters again,” Toby says of this rocky time. On top of the emotional toll that grief was putting on him, stress and lack of sleep resulted in Toby neglecting his health. For the first time in his life, he stopped taking care of his nutrition and he lost the [...]

New Energy And Confidence – What The IsaBody Challenge® Has Done For Finalist Donnacadha Lynch

By |March 8th, 2019|IsaBody|

Weight Loss During Challenge: – 79.21 lb / – 36 kg* Total Challenges Completed: 1 Solutions Utilised: Weight Management From a young age, Donnacadha Lynch thought of himself as the big kid. Even though he was always active, he had a bad relationship with food which only got worse as the years went on. “It was a vicious cycle that seemed impossible to break, and I ended up in a bad place, physically and mentally.” He tried numerous diets, but just couldn’t find anything that worked for him. He needed was a new outlook and a fresh start. Finding his confidence Things drastically changed for Donnacadha after having a motorbike accident in December 2017. “I was lucky to walk away [...]

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