weight loss goals

Learning how to smile again with IsaBody™

By |July 11th, 2019|IsaBody|

Prior to smashing the IsaBody Challenge® and becoming a finalist, Julie Cartwright’s outlook on life was drastically different. At 53 years old, she said she felt worthless, unable to focus and believed she attracted the wrong people into her life that didn’t push her forward, but put her down. On top of sleep deprivation, lacking appetite and zero energy, she was completely uninspired in her job, which left her feeling constantly irritated with a short fuse for loved ones. “I felt I was trapped in a body and mind I didn’t recognise. I couldn’t find a way forward.” Julie wanted help but wasn’t quite sure how to tackle the change, so the turning point was going on holiday with her [...]

What happens to your body when you hit a weight-loss plateau?

By |January 24th, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Few aspects of weight loss are as frustrating as when the changes you’ve seen on the scale begin to slow down, and then seemingly stop altogether. If this sounds familiar, you may be experiencing a weight-loss plateau. Some reasons for slowed weight loss are obvious, such as when healthier diet and exercise choices begin to give way to old, less healthful habits. But it can be hard to identify the reasons for a weight loss plateau when you stick to the healthy lifestyle changes that have already helped you lose weight. Weight loss occurs when there is a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit occurs when you burn more calories than you consume, and can be created either by increasing physical [...]

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