isalean shake

How IsaBody™ helped Danny reach his life goals

By |July 16th, 2019|IsaBody|

Despite experiencing a number of personal challenges last year, Danny Malcolm, one of our IsaBody Challenge® finalists decided to tackle them head on through committing 100% to our nutrition plan and putting a focus back on his health. He’s been using Isagenix products for over 4 years and as a Golf Professional, they have supported his healthy lifestyle on and off the course. Together with a healthy diet, hard work and using an array of Energy & Performance Isagenix products, Danny lost 13 lbs ( 5.9kgs)* in one IsaBody Challenge. “Before starting the Challenge, I was going through a very tough time personally and I just made the decision to go all in knowing that 16 weeks would be perfect [...]

Nutrient in the Spotlight: B-vitamin Complex

By |December 27th, 2017|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Vitamins are a type of micronutrient – essential nutrients your body needs in very small amounts, but that are still important in a healthy, balanced diet. There are eight different B vitamins and each has a slightly different function and benefit to the body. B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins, which means they cannot be stored by the body and so need to be consumed every day. Because of these reasons, it’s important to include a variety of sources of each of the different B vitamins in your diet each day to ensure you’re giving your body what it needs. Let’s have a look at some of the key functions of B vitamins, and where you can find them in Isagenix [...]

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