How to Reset Your Appetite
Have you ever noticed that your appetite seems more manageable following a Cleanse Day? Researchers have noticed this unexpected effect, too, and are now investigating the science behind how Cleanse Days might help to reset your appetite...
Nourish for Life: Your Cleanse Day companion
Some call it intermittent fasting. We call them Cleanse Days. They’re a fantastic way to work toward losing weight, burning fat, and giving your body’s systems the chance to rid toxins naturally...
Isagenix Compares One vs. Two Cleanse Days per Week in a Clinical Investigation
Since Isagenix’s founding in 2002, the company has been at the forefront of nutritional cleansing, or, as it’s known more broadly, intermittent fasting...
Tips for Your Best Cleanse Day*
The most important thing to remember is that there are many ways to be successful on Cleanse Days* – it just takes finding the ways and habits that work best for you. Take ownership of your Cleanse Day*, personalise it to suit your needs and body, and the motivation and commitment will come with far less effort than you’d think. Before you know it, you’ll be happily maintaining your health. To help you get there, here are a few of our top tips! Stay hydrated! Getting enough water is importing during your intermittent fast, as it can help you stay full when hunger pangs start creeping in. Often, we can think we are feeling hungry when actually we’re thirsty; meaning [...]