Getting Back on Track
With the start of each new year, many people will set themselves New Year’s resolutions – some more realistic than others! The most popular of these tends to be losing weight and getting in shape. [...]
Nutrient in the Spotlight: B-vitamin Complex
Vitamins are a type of micronutrient – essential nutrients your body needs in very small amounts, but that are still important in a healthy, balanced diet. There are eight different B vitamins and each has [...]
Staying Healthy Over the Holidays
The holidays are a time for celebration, family, and fun but can also be a time for overindulgences that often lead to weight gain. In fact, many of us find it challenging to maintain our [...]
Ingredient spotlight: Stevia
Stevia rebaudiana, more commonly known as the stevia plant, naturally produces sweet-tasting compounds. The plant is indigenous to Paraguay, where ‘Caá hê-é’ (or sweet herb) has been used by the Guarani people to sweeten drinks [...]
Myth: Eating at Night Will Make You Fat.
Many people think eating before bed will result in weight gain, but is there any truth behind this? We reviewed the scientific research looking at the effects of a late-night snack and whether it can [...]
Maximise Performance with Protein Pacing
It’s well known that protein is an essential part of our diet, but how much thought do you give to the timing of your protein intake? Recent research has shown the benefit of consuming several [...]