Tips van de Top
“Heb vertrouwen in dit avontuur. Je zult hoogte- en dieptepunten beleven, maar geeft niet op! Je beloning zal net zo groot zijn als de risico’s die je neemt!!”
“Mijn allereerste sales manager vertelde me: ‘Als je echt succesvol wilt zijn in het leven, help dan andere mensen hetzelfde te doen en het zal gebeuren’.”
“Zorg altijd voor consistentie, zelfs op dagen waarop je denkt dat er niets gebeurt.”
“IsaBody is a great retention & marketing tool for business builders”
Tom Barendregt knows first-hand how important it is to prioritise his health and wellbeing. He was a professional ice hockey player for years but suddenly his world changed in a way he couldn’t imagine...
“I immediately signed up for another IsaBody Challenge® – this is only the beginning for me.”
“To anyone thinking of signing up for an IsaBody Challenge, I would ask them this… Do you think your health is important? Are you willing to change your breakfast and lunch to nutritious meals...
“It just goes to show that after a lifetime of bad habits, anyone can make the changes to be healthier!”
Alan Parks had struggled with his weight since childhood and admits that his diet was predominantly made up of unhealthy food choices...
“Becoming an Honourable Mention means a lot – I’ve proved to myself that I can do it!”
“I decided to sign up for an IsaBody Challenge® because I wanted to improve my general health and be an example to my team...
Cleanse Days: Three ways
We catch up with Nutrition and Product Marketing Manager, Rebecca Taylor to delve a little deeper into the world of Cleanse Days – sharing the different ways to incorporate cleansing into your life and which one is best...
The (not so) secret to smart snacking
Let’s face it, ‘snacking’ can often have negative connotations and it’s sometimes associated with mindless eating and consuming empty calories. But did you know that snacking can in fact be a fantastic tool for reaching your health and wellbeing goals?