Conoce nuestras menciones de honor de la Ronda 3 del Reto IsaBody 2021
Estas menciones de honor de IsaBody de la Ronda 3 son toda la inspiración que necesitas para tu viaje de bienestar. ¡Escucha cómo cambiaron sus vidas con Reto IsaBody y prepárate para inspirarte! [...]
Ontmoet onze eervolle vermeldingen voor de IsaBody Challenge Ronde 3 2021
Deze Ronde 3 IsaBody Honourable Mentions zijn alle inspiratie die je nodig hebt voor je wellness reis. Hoor hoe ze hun leven veranderden met de IsaBody Challenge en maak je klaar om geïnspireerd te [...]
Meet our IsaBody Challenge Honourable Mentions for Round 3 2021
These Round 3 IsaBody Honourable Mentions are all the inspiration you need for your wellness journey. Hear how they changed their lives with the IsaBody Challenge and get ready to be inspired! [...]
Meet the Round 3 IsaBody Finalists for 2021
We’ve officially named our nine Finalists of 2021! Meet the three inspirational people who’ve made the cut and are in with a chance of becoming the European IsaBody Grand Prize Winner, winning £5000/€5500 on top [...]
What difference a year makes – Charlene’s IsaBody journey!
We wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate how undertaking the IsaBody Challenge has provided one of our very own employees with a new lease of life...
Your guide to healthy skin, hair and nails
If you want glowing skin, the old saying ‘you are what you eat’ really is true. We talk about diet in terms of perhaps losing some weight...