“I wake up with a smile, I have more confidence, and I have a beautiful outlook on life”
Rather than a weight loss goal, Heike Wehr was looking to change her mindset. Weight loss was almost an added benefit, with the bigger picture being about waking up with a smile and taking back control of her life. Check out how Heike became one of our most inspiring Finalists!
“Every journey starts with the first step”
This incredible Finalist has always been sporty, but as Joeri Nobels got older, he found it harder to reach his goals. So, he tried Isagenix to get back on track and now he’s the one sharing pearls of wisdom with us about how to smash an IsaBody Challenge and reach your peak!
“Isagenix completely changed my life!”
Jill tragically lost her son to cancer seven years ago and since then she and her partner have pushed themselves to keep going for their other children. Due to the unimaginable ordeal she’d been through, it understandably took a huge toll on her health and she was looking for something to help her get back on track.
“I feel better in myself, I have more energy and I’m happier!”
Jeanette Karlgren joined the IsaBody Challenge to lose weight before an upcoming hip replacement surgery and lost a staggering 17kg. Her journey inspired us so much that she became one of our Honourable Mention and won herself £500/€550!
Conoce al Legacy Club #419 Wolfgang Sonnenburg
Wolfgang Sonnenburg es un líder experimentado en la industria del Network Marketing. Con una formación en derecho corporativo, entró en la industria después de desilusionarse con la vida en el carril rápido y comenzó a buscar más propósito en su vida profesional. Cuando descubrí el marketing en red en los años 90, ya había alcanzado el "éxito" en el sentido tradicional, así que no lo hacía por dinero. Rápidamente me di cuenta de que tenía la oportunidad de influir en muchas personas a través del liderazgo y la formación en esta industria y me entusiasmó la perspectiva de efectuar un cambio real en el mundo." Autor y filántropo, Wolfgang se ha centrado en su [...]
Conosci il membro del Legacy Club #419 Wolfgang Sonnenburg
Wolfgang Sonnenburyg è un leader esperto nel settore del Network Marketing. Con un background in diritto societario, è entrato nel settore dopo essere stato disilluso dalla vita nella corsia di sorpasso e ha iniziato a cercare uno scopo maggiore nella sua vita professionale. "Quando ho scoperto il network marketing negli anni '90, avevo già raggiunto il 'successo' nel senso tradizionale del termine, quindi non lo facevo per i soldi. Mi sono subito reso conto che avevo l'opportunità di avere un impatto su molte persone attraverso la leadership e la formazione in questo settore ed ero molto eccitato dalla prospettiva di operare un vero cambiamento nel mondo". Autore e filantropo, da quando ha lasciato il [...]