
Intermittent Fasting with Type 2 Diabetes

By |July 25th, 2018|Nutrition|

As fasting can raise the risk of low blood sugar in those with Type 2 diabetes, it’s generally recommended that those with the health condition consult their doctor before attempting any type of fasting regime. For those with Type 2 diabetes, it’s also important to evaluate the appropriateness of performing consecutive fasting days as it may further increase the possibility of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Any decision about modifying medications during fasting days should also be made with a doctor. However, a recent study from New Zealand offers some encouraging results for those with Type 2 diabetes looking to adopt a fasting regime for the purposes of losing weight. The study found fasting two consecutive days was associated with a [...]

Stay on track during your summer holidays

By |June 14th, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Summer is approaching, and normally the sunnier days make eating healthily and exercising regularly a little easier. But for those travelling, spending time away from home and out of their routine, it can be a challenge to achieve your goals. Spending your days relaxing on the beach, exploring new places or hosting summer barbecues doesn’t mean that weight loss and fitness must be challenging. Prepare for success this summer with these tips. Eating well Prepare meals and snacks ahead of time A little preparation with a few nutritious meals and snacks is helpful whether you’re flying or driving, staying in a hotel or renting a holiday home. Pack enough dry snacks and meals so you can be sure to get [...]

Can protein at bedtime help muscle recovery?

By |May 25th, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition|

The way your muscles respond to exercise training can depend largely on the availability of amino acids from protein. This is why many athletes and active individuals ensure they consume some whey protein within the first couple of hours after their workouts to accelerate muscle gains and recovery. That time frame has been called the post-exercise “protein window.” Recent research has been looking at overnight protein synthesis and its response to dietary protein before sleep, which is the subject of a recent review by researchers at Maastricht University in the USA. The review’s authors John Trommelen and Luc van Loon discuss their recent work evaluating overnight muscle protein synthesis rates and suggest that taking a greater dose of protein, around [...]

Les meilleurs conseils pour un Cleanse Day* optimal !

By |April 19th, 2018|Nutrition|

Ce qu'il faut avant tout retenir, c'est qu'il existe différentes façons de réussir vos Cleanse Days* – il faut juste trouver les méthodes et les habitudes qui vous conviennent le mieux. Prenez votre Cleanse Day en main, personnalisez-le pour répondre à vos besoins et pour l'adapter à votre corps et vous verrez que la motivation et l'engagement suivront bien plus facilement que vous ne le pensiez. Avant même de vous en rendre compte, vous prendrez soin de votre santé dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Voici quelques conseils pour y parvenir ! Suivez un planning. Durant un Cleanse Day*, les occasions de déraper sont nombreuses. Que ce soit vos collègues qui vous entraînent dans un déjeuner bien loin d'une alimentation saine ou [...]

Quand et comment personnaliser votre Shake Day

By |April 18th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Vous êtes prêt à perdre du poids ? Quoi de mieux pour commencer que de commander le Programme 30 jours Perte de Poids. Ouvrez le colis, suivez les instructions et... voilà ! Les résultats sont là ! Pas exactement en fait. Bien que cela puisse fonctionner pour bon nombre de personnes, certains auront besoin de personnaliser leur programme, en particulier leurs Shake Days. Dans le cadre du Programme 30 jours Perte de Poids, un Shake Day compte deux IsaLeanTM Shakes, deux encas de 100-150 calories et un repas de 400-600 calories, ce qui apporte entre 1 000 et 1 400 calories par jour. (Voir notre planning Shake Day) recommandé. Au Royaume-Uni, un homme adulte a besoin de 2 500 calories par jour et une femme adulte a besoin en moyenne de 2 000 calories [...]

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