business building

No More Membership Fees!

By |January 24th, 2020|Uncategorized|

It’s a new year, and with that comes exciting news - we’re simplifying the shopping experience and making it easier than ever to grow your business! How? Glad you asked. Here’s what you can expect starting Jan. 24: No membership fee Preferred Customers will no longer have to pay an annual membership fee. That’s right! Have any Preferred Customers on your team? Make their day by sharing the incredible news. Prices for Premium/Ultimate Packs Preferred Customers who purchase a Premium/Ultimate Pack that previously contained free membership will receive an email containing a product coupon for the equivalent amount (£23/€31). The coupon will be redeemable after you convert to an Associate, and it will expire 22 April 2020 at 11:59pm EST. [...]

Everything you need to know about IsaU

By |October 4th, 2019|Events|

This event is going to be huge. Not only do we have an inspiring guest speaker lined up for you, but we have an extra treat in store… we’ll be launching two amazing new products! Yes, you read that right! You don’t want to miss it. What to expect Our guest speaker Isagenix Millionaire* and START Ambassador, Ciji Siddons, will be teaching you how to connect with and enrol new customers to drive huge momentum in your business. Ciji has gone from struggling bartender, to an Isagenix Millionaire. She believes that anyone with desire can learn the business model, systems and strategies to live life on their own terms. We’ll also have a ‘Ask the Nutritionist’ booth where you can [...]

Key takeaways from UIA

By |September 17th, 2019|Events|

What a weekend! We covered a LOT over just two days, from learning how to talk to new customers, share our compensation plan, push through boundaries in our own lives and ultimately build a business. We asked people in the room to share their biggest takeaways from the weekend and compiled our favourites here, so you can use them to help build your business long after UIA! Make your business duplicatable The reason we love network marketing is because you have to help others build their business in order to grow yours effectively too. We’re all about collaborating! The key is to make your method simple so you can teach your team how to duplicate it – use the scripts [...]

Now Available: PayPal option on IsaLife app!

By |January 16th, 2019|Uncategorized|

The wait is over. Now you have even more choice in what payment method you can use on the IsaLife app: PayPal is being introduced as an option! PayPal is one of the fastest and simple ways to make recurring payments secure, fast and easy making the IsaLife app even more simple to use! We also wanted to share the following exciting updates available on our latest app version: Sync with Apple Health through iOS devices such as Apple Watch and iPhone Utilise bar code scanning when entering Isagenix products and other food items to the Daily Checklist Program participants can return to any day in the past to update their Daily Checklist items Updated layouts to the One-Time Order [...]

Ready to Start Living the IsaLife?

By |November 8th, 2018|Uncategorized|

What’s the best way you can help yourself when it comes to reaching your goals? If you ask us, it’s all about having a plan. Research shows that those most likely to achieve their goals are those who have followed a plan including three simple steps: They don't just think about their goals; they write them down. They commit to actions (how they plan to achieve their goals), and write those down, too! They share their goals and action commitments with a supportive friend, and talk with that friend each week about their progress and how they’re doing. That sounds doable, right?! And we’ve made it even easier with the IsaLife™ Success Plan. How to Get Started If you’re ready to get [...]

Susan Sly on Time Management and Organizing Your Business for Success

By |January 18th, 2018|Featured Home|

On Monday 15 January, Millionaire and 8-Star Platinum, 2-Star Executive, Helen Koi talked us through providing a five-star service in order to create loyal Customers. She showed us the importance of really caring for your customer. Helen told us that support is important from day one when you first begin speaking to any customer, right through to when they are experiencing their 30-day pack. She explained what she meant by ‘Re-sponsor-bility’ and how to use this as a personal and business tool. Millionaire* Mindset with Susan Sly On 22 January 17 star platinum, 21 star crystal executive, Susan Sly will walk us through Time Management and Organizing Your Business for Success. Susan Sly is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer and entrepreneur.  [...]

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