Gala Awards 2022
December 2, 2022,
Ashleigh Turnbull

Put your hands together for our Gala Awards 2022 Achievers!
Last night we all came together virtually to celebrate the Gala Awards, where we announced who’s earned our coveted awards for their hard work and success over the past year! If you missed it, the recordings will be available very soon, but for now we have a special IsaFYI article so you can see all our incredible achievers.
A HUGE congratulations to every single leader who was recognised, you are truly inspirational and we loved celebrating your success with you.
New Executives and Crystal Executives
Crystal Executives are outstanding business builders who’ve achieved a huge amount within 180 days of becoming an Associate. To earn this rank, they will have enrolled at least five people on each leg, and helped five people on each leg become Consultants within 180 days!

Top 15 Leaders in Action
The hint’s in the name – this award recognises the top 15 point earning businesses from the Leader in Action programme. Business builders earn points for their personally enrolled team members, 2 PET, rank advancements and active weeks, requiring dedication and effort.

START 1000
This celebrates the first 1000 START members who have reached the 3-Star Golden Circle rank which, if maintained, gives you the opportunity to earn a six-figure annual income with Isagenix.* START 1000s are fuelled by a passion for our products, dedication to helping others reach their goals, and the vision to drive our global ‘START Your Life’ movement.

Rising Star
Rising Star recognises Executives or Crystal Executives who have rank advanced a minimum of two times between 2 and 6-Star Golden Circle during the award timeframe.

Top 20 Europe Income Earners
This award is a way to say thank you to and recognise our Top 20 income earners who are spearheading our growth and championing Isagenix across Europe.

The ability to earn income under the Isagenix compensation plan depends on many factors including an individual Associate’s business, social, and sales skills; personal ambition and activity; availability of time and financial resources; and access to a large network of family, friends, and business contacts. Isagenix cannot and does not guarantee any particular level of earnings. Even Associates who dedicate a significant amount of time, effort, and personal funds may not achieve a meaningful level of success. For average earnings, please refer to the Isagenix Earnings Disclosure Statement at
*Isagenix Millionaires or Six-Figure Earners:
An Isagenix Millionaire is an Isagenix Independent Associate to whom Isagenix has paid a gross total of $1 million or more since joining Isagenix. A Six-Figure Earner is an Associate to whom Isagenix has paid a gross total of between $100,000 and $1 million since joining Isagenix.