Tips van de Top
“Heb vertrouwen in dit avontuur. Je zult hoogte- en dieptepunten beleven, maar geeft niet op! Je beloning zal net zo groot zijn als de risico’s die je neemt!!”
“Mijn allereerste sales manager vertelde me: ‘Als je echt succesvol wilt zijn in het leven, help dan andere mensen hetzelfde te doen en het zal gebeuren’.”
“Zorg altijd voor consistentie, zelfs op dagen waarop je denkt dat er niets gebeurt.”
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So you’ve tried your first Isagenix product, you’ve started to see results and you thought it couldn’t get any better. Well, we’ve got news for you! What if you could be getting these products fully paid for?
“I now weigh 67 kilos. I’m super happy, as I honestly didn’t expect this result in such a short time.”
One of the huge benefits of the Isagenix system is that it is all about balance. Maud says she’s thrilled with her results as she lost so much weight, even when living her normal life and enjoying herself...
“Becoming an Honourable Mention tells me my story does matter and I can change people’s lives by telling my story. It’s the best feeling in the world.”
Suzanne knows how important accountability is when you start looking after your health and begin to lose weight...
“I’ve gone from a size 14 to a size 10. I’m more confident and love the body I’m in.”
When Gemma’s wedding rings wouldn’t fit on her fingers anymore, she knew she had to take action and change her habits, for herself, and for her family...
“I’ve started a new chapter in my life that I never thought was possible.”
IsaBody Finalist Anna reflects on the incredible transformation Isagenix has brought to her life in just seven months. In this short period, she shed 14kg...
“When you lose weight, you also feel better, you can move better, you sleep better, and you look better.”
Ron had been an ICT service manager, working for the company for 25 years before he found Isagenix. When the company was sold, he decided to switch career...