Earn IsaRally Point with You Share, They Share, Repeat!
October 6, 2017,
Elaina Bird

Next week is the last week to earn points for the IsaRally Iceland competition. The race is on and the teams and individuals competing are neck and neck, just check out the latest Leaderboard!
It’s not too late to earn you spot on this trip of a lifetime. A great way of sharing Isagenix and earning extra points with You Share, They Share. Repeat™. This will not only help you to rank advance, but also give you valuable points toward IsaRally Iceland.
You can earn…
2 points for becoming a first time Consultant.
6 points for becoming first time a Manager.
6 points for enrolling two people who place an order for a 150BV or more.
21 points for remaining Manager all next week. 3 points per day x 7 days = 21 points
3 points if you sign up for the IsaBody Challenge®.
This is a total of a 38 points by only doing You Share, They Share. Repeat.
Don’t forget that you can also earn extra points by signing up Customers to the IsaBody Challenge®. You get 1 points per person, up to a maximum of 10 points.
Not only have you now earned points toward your total, but you have also added two new Consultants to your team. This will get you one step closer to winning the ‘You Share, They Share, Come as a Pair‘ incentive.