Know Your Numbers When Making Additions to IsaLean Shake
Know your numbers when making additions to IsaLean Shake An IsaLeanTM Shake is satisfying all by itself, but we understand that some people like to add a little variety to their Shake Days. That’s ok – in fact, the shakes can serve as the base for other healthy additions that can provide a nutritious boost. It’s important to be mindful of the number of calories you’re adding to your shake, particularly if your goal is weight loss. For example, adding a banana is a great ingredient to add to your shake, but it provides considerably more calories than a teaspoon of cinnamon. Don’t let your mix-ins interfere with your Isagenix goals! A little extra knowledge on the nutritional content of [...]
Beyond Dieting – Intermittent Fasting
Every person is different from next, and the way in which our bodies adapt to weight loss will be different. However, the traditional recommendation of continuous energy restriction of about 600 calories per day (1) is not always the right solution for everyone. In fact, most people fail to keep weight off for at least a year after reaching their target weight (2). In recent years, scientists have become more aware of the benefits of intermittent fasting, as performed on Isagenix Cleanse Days*, and that it can be an effective method for weight loss and weight management. A recently published systematic review and meta-analysis reported that short-term periods of intermittent fasting on a weekly basis are just as effective for [...]
Which Whey – Concentrate, Isolate or Hydrolysate?
When it comes to protein, the type, amount and timing are all important. Research shows that whey protein is the preferred choice for weight loss and muscle growth (1). To truly reap these benefits, studies support consuming 20g - 40g of protein per meal, as well as after strenuous workouts (2). However, there are many different types of whey protein – concentrate, isolate, hydrolysate. Is one better than the others? Let’s break down the science. Protein Components, Absorption and Bioavailability To fully understand which protein form is best, it’s important to consider how protein works in the body. The nutritional effects a protein exerts on the body mainly depends on its amino acid profile, the rate of absorption, and the [...]
How to Avoid Weight Regain after Weight Loss
There are many different approaches a person could take to try to lose weight, and whilst many of these strategies can be successful in the short term it can be a challenge to maintain this lifestyle. In fact, only around 1 in 5 people manage to keep weight off for at least a year after reaching their target weight (1). Recently, scientists from the University of Colorado published a review of the scientific literature in 2015 that looked at what occurs in the body during weight loss, and how adipose tissue (body fat) drives the body to regain weight (2). What happens during weight loss? Body weight is controlled by an internal feedback loop between the brain and the periphery. [...]
Is Coconut Oil a Healthy Choice? We ask our Nutritionist
A few years ago, many of us hadn’t even heard of coconut oil, but now it appears everywhere we go. In recipes, health magazines, and listed as ingredients in products. Many suggestions have been made as to potential health benefits of coconut oil, but what evidence is there to support this? We posed our questions to our very own nutritionist Rebecca Haresign to find out more about coconut oil, and whether we should be including more of it in our diets. What is coconut oil? As the name suggests, coconut oil is a fat derived from coconuts. Fat is made up of fatty acids, and the structure, length and saturation of these fatty acids determines their health effects (1). Most [...]
The Ultimate Cleanse Day* Prep Guide
Have you ever wondered how your friends breeze through Cleanse Days* while you continue to struggle? Or maybe you’re preparing to complete your first Cleanse Day* but are feeling a bit intimidated? Even if Cleanse Days* aren’t a problem for you, you may be wondering how you can better help others make the day a little easier. Keep reading for our Cleanse Day* prep tips to help you through: Cut excess calories early A decrease in extra calories, such as those from added sugars, while on an Isagenix System may be hard to adjust to overnight. It’s best to gradually start cutting back ahead of time. For example, if you’re someone who only takes their coffee with sugar, maybe try [...]