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Amazing New Additions to the IsaU Manchester Line-Up!

By |April 18th, 2018|Events, Featured Home|

Who’s pumped for IsaU in Manchester?! There’s only 10 days to go until the biggest event of the year and we’ve got a jam-packed agenda for you all. Here’s a sneak peek of what’s to come with some new additions to our amazing line up of speakers. Hayden Vavra Isagenix Millionaire*, 15-Star Platinum, 16-Star Crystal Executive Isagenix Millionaire* Hayden is heading over to IsaU Manchester, from the US to train on how to share your Isagenix story with posture and belief. You’ll learn this key connecting tool which will help you share Isagenix naturally and with integrity.     Lara Hall-Bryce & Mark Bryce 2-Star Golden Circle, Crystal Executive You’ll hear from these two Manchester locals as they talk about the power [...]

Is Coconut Oil a Healthy Choice? We ask our Nutritionist

By |February 28th, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition|

A few years ago, many of us hadn’t even heard of coconut oil, but now it appears everywhere we go. In recipes, health magazines, and listed as ingredients in products. Many suggestions have been made as to potential health benefits of coconut oil, but what evidence is there to support this? We posed our questions to our very own nutritionist Rebecca Haresign to find out more about coconut oil, and whether we should be including more of it in our diets. What is coconut oil? As the name suggests, coconut oil is a fat derived from coconuts. Fat is made up of fatty acids, and the structure, length and saturation of these fatty acids determines their health effects (1). Most [...]

From Exhausted Firefighter to Energised Family Man

By |February 23rd, 2018|Featured Home, IsaBody|

Clark Gibson had three jobs and was physically and mentally exhausted. Along with a part time firefighting role he had taken two other physically demanding jobs to support his newly born son. He was the sole provider in his household as he and his wife had made the decision for her to give up work and look after their baby. Because of his fully packed sixty five+ hour work week Clark was eating badly and spending very little time at home. He finally decided to take action and make a change in his life when, because of shear exhaustion and dehydration, he had one day collapsed after doing some simple DIY projects on his house. This scared him particularly because of [...]

The Ultimate Cleanse Day* Prep Guide

By |February 21st, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Have you ever wondered how your friends breeze through Cleanse Days* while you continue to struggle? Or maybe you’re preparing to complete your first Cleanse Day* but are feeling a bit intimidated? Even if Cleanse Days* aren’t a problem for you, you may be wondering how you can better help others make the day a little easier. Keep reading for our Cleanse Day* prep tips to help you through: Cut excess calories early A decrease in extra calories, such as those from added sugars, while on an Isagenix System may be hard to adjust to overnight. It’s best to gradually start cutting back ahead of time. For example, if you’re someone who only takes their coffee with sugar, maybe try [...]

Top Tips for Your Third Meal

By |February 15th, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition|

When you’re trying to lose weight, an Isagenix Shake Day involves replacing two of your meals with IsaLean Shakes, and having a 400-600 calorie meal on your own. This meal is just as important as the rest of the programme, and it’s important that you consider what’s going into this meal to get maximum results from your weight loss system. The aim of this meal is to provide you with your remaining calories and nutrients for the day. This meal should provide between 400-600 calories, and be balanced, varied, and enjoyable! Read on to learn our top tips for getting the most out of this meal. What needs to be in a healthy, balanced meal? Each meal should provide some [...]

Product in the Spotlight: Green Tea in e-Shot

By |February 13th, 2018|Featured Home, Product|

Tea comes from the plant Camellia sinensis, and is consumed around the world as green, black or oolong tea (1). Tea is widely used in traditional medicine systems of China, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea (2). Green tea is the second most popular beverage in the world (3), and it’s estimated that about 2.5 million tons of tea leaves are produced each year. Around 20% of this is produced as green tea. Green tea is mainly consumed in Asia, some parts of North Africa, the United States and across Europe (4). What’s the difference between green tea and black tea? For many centuries it was believed that black tea and green tea came from different plants. However, it is now [...]

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