
From Tired Father To Active Role Model – The Story Of Simeonas Kozemiakinas

By |March 8th, 2019|IsaBody|

Total Weight Loss: 70.19 lbs / 31.90 kg * Total Challenges Completed: 1 Solution Utilised: Weight Management Simeonas Kozemiakinas wanted more out of life. The stressed- out husband and father was tired of only having enough energy to sit on the sofa and watch TV after work. After a friend recommended Isagenix and showed him pictures of the incredible achievements made by people around the world, Simeonas was ready to give it a try and he decided to trade in his usual lunches for Isagenix shakes. Supported by his loving family, he began the IsaBody Challenge. Within the first month, physical changes were noticeable, but what was even more exciting for Simeonas was the way he was able to manage [...]

Spirit of Isagenix – Voting Now Closed

By |March 4th, 2019|Events|

Voting for our 2019 Spirit of Isagenix award is now closed. Stay tuned to find out who the winner is! The person who embodies the Spirit of Isagenix will be announced on stage at the Gala Awards during Celebration 2019 this month in Birmingham, UK. While there can only be one winner, we want to say a HUGE congratulations to all of our Spirit of Isagenix Award nominees. In case you were unable to vote and would like to read about the nominees, take a peek below! Meet Our Top 3 Spirit of Isagenix Finalists These three Spirit of Isagenix finalists exude the Isagenix values in their daily lives. They are all true leaders, but only one will be awarded [...]


By |February 6th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Demandes de renseignements et entrevues dans les médias. Afin de protéger la marque Isagenix et d’assurer la transmission d’un message cohérent et conforme, Isagenix a déterminé qu’il était dans le meilleur intérêt de l’ensemble des Associés et Clients de désigner un porte-parole de l’entreprise qui se chargera de gérer l’ensemble des communications avec les médias. Par conséquent, les Associés et Clients Isagenix ne sont pas autorisés à contacter, solliciter, répondre, s’entretenir ni communiquer de toute autre manière que ce soit avec les médias à propos d’Isagenix, de ses produits, de son plan de rémunération et de leur expérience avec Isagenix ; même lorsqu’ils ne citent pas le nom Isagenix ; à moins qu’ils n’en aient préalablement reçu l’autorisation par écrit [...]


By |February 6th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Entrevistas y consultas de los medios de comunicación. Para proteger la marca Isagenix y asegurar un mensaje consistente y coherente, Isagenix ha determinado que haya portavoces designados de la empresa encargados del manejo de toda comunicación con los medios para beneficio de todos los Asociados y clientes. Por ello, no está permitido que los Asociados independientes y clientes de Isagenix contacten, soliciten o respondan a entrevistas o se comuniquen con los medios para hablar de Isagenix, sus productos, planes de compensación, experiencia Isagenix o cualquier tema relacionado con Isagenix, incluso si ello implica no llamar a Isagenix por su nombre, a no ser que Isagenix dé su previo consentimiento por escrito. Se considera una violación de esta política facilitar cualquier [...]


By |February 6th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Media-interviews en -vragen. Isagenix heeft ter bescherming van het merk Isagenix en ten behoeve van een consistente en samenhangende boodschap besloten dat het in het belang van alle Associates en Klanten is om woordvoerders van het bedrijf te hebben die zorg dragen voor alle communicatie met de media. Dienovereenkomstig is het voor Onafhankelijke Isagenix Associates en Klanten niet toegestaan om contact op te nemen met, te praten met, in te gaan op vragen van of interviews te hebben met de media over Isagenix en diens producten en beloningsregelingen, hun ervaringen met Isagenix of andere aan Isagenix gerelateerde zaken, ook al wordt de naam van Isagenix niet genoemd, tenzij zij hiervoor vooraf de schriftelijke toestemming van Isagenix hebben verkregen. Het verstrekken [...]

Media Awareness Policy

By |February 6th, 2019|Featured Home|

Media Interviews and Enquiries. To protect the Isagenix brand and to ensure a consistent and compliant message, Isagenix has determined it is in the best interest of all Associates and Customers if designated company spokespersons handle all communications with the media. Accordingly, Isagenix Independent Associates and Customers are not permitted to contact, solicit, respond to, interview with, or otherwise communicate with the media about Isagenix, its products, compensation plan, their Isagenix experience, or anything else relating to Isagenix, even if they do not mention Isagenix by name, unless they receive prior written consent from Isagenix. It is a violation of this policy to provide any information to the media without prior written approval from Isagenix, regardless of whether the information [...]

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