
IsaBody & Your Business

By |June 23rd, 2017|Featured Home, IsaBody|

There are many reasons that people sign up to the IsaBody Challenge. Along with achieving their own body and lifestyle transformations and having the chance to win prizes, it can also be an effective business-building tool. Did you know that 80% of the people who join Isagenix and successfully complete the IsaBody Challenge are still with Isagenix a year later? That's an amazing statistic! After speaking with any IsaBody Finalist or Honourable Mention, you’ll notice how many of them talk about how the Challenge acts as a built-in accountability system. It gives each participant a specific 16-week timeline, support from other participants and social media tools to stay on track. The majority of IsaBody participants praise the IsaBody UK Facebook group for helping [...]

Become A World-Class Leader & Top The IsaRally Leaderboard!

By |June 23rd, 2017|Featured Home|

The IsaRally to Celebration 2017 contest closes on 25 June - how are you doing on the leaderboard? To help you be one of the winning top 20, here are a few leadership practices that can help to increase your team’s success by  fostering skills that can lead to even greater results. It also increases your chances of earning IsaRally points that could help you reach your next rank and earn the expenses-paid trip* to Celebration 2017 in Las Vegas. Remember: leaders aren’t simply born. They are developed through hard work and attention to detail. Commit to building your business, supporting your team and helping new customers get started on the Isagenix products by applying these simple techniques to enhance you and your [...]

Product Spotlight: 5 Reasons To Love Isagenix Snacks™!

By |June 22nd, 2017|Featured Home, Product|

Have you been searching for a mini snack that’s super convenient, low in calories and will help you stay on track towards your goals? Look no further – Isagenix Snacks™ are what you need! Nutritious and bite-sized, these little wonders are not only beneficial to the body but also support your weight loss goals. Keep reading to see the five reasons why Isagenix Snacks are right for you! Packed with nutrients Being conscious of the foods you consume is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. With Isagenix Snacks, you won’t have to worry! These mini bites deliver high-quality whey and milk protein combined with flax and essential fats to nourish your body. Designed for your goals Reaching your weight goals is [...]

The IsaOrder App Is Here!

By |June 21st, 2017|Featured Home|

In today's day and age, we use our smartphones for everything – connecting with friends, growing our businesses, listening to music, using social media and more! So wouldn't it be great if you could order your Isagenix products from your phone too? With IsaOrder™ this is now a reality! IsaOrder is a simple app designed to help you manage product orders directly from your smartphone. You'll now be able to do all of the following from your phone! Browse our products, packs and solutions Place wholesale orders Manage your Autoship Manage your orders View your order status We've made it simple for you! Your login details for IsaOrder are the same as your Isagenix account, so we suggest having your Isagenix details to hand and ready to go [...]

9 Days Left – IsaRally To Celebration Ends 25 June!

By |June 16th, 2017|Featured Home|

It’s crunch time! There's only a little over a week left for you and your team to earn IsaRally points toward a trip to Celebration 2017 in Las Vegas! There is still time to grow your team and strengthen your business to help you earn points during this final stretch. Every point counts toward earning a Top 20 spot in the rankings, and earning an amazing expense-paid* trip to Las Vegas that includes exclusive training with top leaders! Here is a quick refresher of important ways you can earn additional points in these final days: Help your teammates enlist in the IsaBody Challenge Be accountable to your teammates Communicate proactively and consistently with your team Maintain flexibility with both individual and [...]

Grand Opening – The Final Details!

By |June 16th, 2017|Events, Featured Home|

One week tomorrow will see the UK’s biggest event of the year - Grand Opening - kick off in style, and we can’t wait for you to see what’s in store. There is so much to look forward to including new product launches, business training, onstage recognition, testimonials and much more! This is the ultimate event for anyone interested in learning more about Isagenix. Whether you’re a customer who wants to hear all about the products and how to complete your IsaBody Challenge, or a business builder working towards incredible success – the UK Grand Opening is an absolute MUST for you! Tickets are still available so spread the word to your friends, family, neighbours, team members and anyone else interested in what [...]

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