
Know Your Numbers When Making Additions to IsaLean Shake

By |April 19th, 2018|Nutrition, Uncategorized|

Know your numbers when making additions to IsaLean Shake An IsaLeanTM Shake is satisfying all by itself, but we understand that some people like to add a little variety to their Shake Days. That’s ok – in fact, the shakes can serve as the base for other healthy additions that can provide a nutritious boost. It’s important to be mindful of the number of calories you’re adding to your shake, particularly if your goal is weight loss. For example, adding a banana is a great ingredient to add to your shake, but it provides considerably more calories than a teaspoon of cinnamon. Don’t let your mix-ins interfere with your Isagenix goals! A little extra knowledge on the nutritional content of [...]

How and When to Customise Your Shake Day

By |August 23rd, 2017|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Ready to lose weight? What better way to start than by ordering the 30-Day Weight Loss System. Open the box, and follow the simple instructions and…bam! Results! Well, not exactly. While this may work for many, there are some individuals who may need to customise their systems, in particular their Shake Days. Within the Isagenix 30-Day Weight Loss System, a Shake Day consists of two IsaLeanTM Shakes, two 100-150 calorie snacks and a 400-600 calorie meal, which adds up to between 1,000 and 1,400 calories per day. (See our recommended Shake Day schedule). In the UK, an average adult male requires 2,500 calories per day, and an average adult female requires 2,000 calories per day. Some people may require more or less energy [...]

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