amped hydrate

Podcast: Benefits of Cleanse Day Products

By |September 19th, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Trainer: Rebecca Haresign BSc ANutr, Product Education and Nutrition Communications Manager, Europe Cleanse Days* are an important part of any Isagenix System, and Isagenix has a variety of products to support you through the day. Learn more about how, when and why to use each of these products.     * A Cleanse Day is a nutritionally supported fast that nourishes and energises your body’s own detoxification systems. For further Cleanse Day information, visit

AMPED Hydrate on Cleanse Days

By |June 6th, 2018|Featured Home, Product|

AMPEDTM Hydrate is a key product within our Energy and Performance Systems. However, its benefits stretch across both Weight Management and Energy and Performance Systems. It can also be a useful Cleanse Day* tool, particularly if you’re exercising. Cleanse Day support tools As Cleanse Days are a form of intermittent fasting, the goal is to consume as few calories as possible on these days. Isagenix provides you with a variety of different support tools for targeted nutrition throughout the day. AMPED Hydrate is one of the products that can support you on your Cleanse Days, and each stick provides just 70 calories. You can divide this into two half servings, to include mid-morning and afternoon. Alternatively, you can consume your [...]

The Benefits of Electrolytes

By |May 14th, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition, Product|

We all know and love the flavour and function of AMPEDTM Hydrate when we work out, but how much do you know about the science behind this product? AMPED Hydrate is a carbohydrate-electrolyte sports drink, and is designed to support endurance performance and enhance hydration during physical exercise*. Electrolytes When we sweat, we lose water, but in addition we also lose electrolytes. Electrolytes, like sodium and potassium, are electrically charged minerals that travel through the blood and other extracellular fluids (1). These minerals have important roles in many processes within the body and must be replaced during and after exercise to restore the balance (2). On food labelling it’s common to see a value for ‘salt’, which is a combination [...]

AMPED Hydrate is in The Spotlight!

By |May 2nd, 2018|Product|

Have you heard about our new Product in the Spotlight? AMPEDTM Hydrate is a hydrating and refreshing sports drink mix that is a useful tool for any Isagenix system. This tasty product can help you during your workout or through your Cleanse Days*. Keep reading for more information about what this great product can do… What are electrolytes? Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that travel through extracellular fluids, such as the blood (1). When you sweat, electrolytes such as sodium and potassium are lost in your sweat, along with water. When you rehydrate during and after your workout, it’s important that these minerals are replaced to restore the balance of water and electrolytes in your body (2). AMPED Hydrate is [...]

Wat is de beste manier om post-workout te rehydrateren?

By |November 24th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Het is bekend dat rehydratie na het sporten belangrijk is om het vocht te vervangen dat je hebt uitgezweet. Maar wist je dat je met zweten meer verliest dan vocht alleen? Via zweet verlies je ook elektrolyten, zoals bijvoorbeeld natrium en kalium. Deze mineralen moeten worden aangevuld door rehydratie tijdens en na de lichamelijke inspanningen, om zo de balans van vocht en elektrolyten in je lichaam te herstellen (1). Waarom elektrolyten belangrijk zijn Wat zijn elektrolyten eigenlijk? Elektrolyten zijn elektrisch geladen mineralen die door bloed en andere extracellulaire vloeistoffen stromen (2). Natrium is de hoogst geconcentreerde elektrolyt die via zweet verloren gaat. Het lichaam heeft dit nodig voor de juiste vloeistofbalans (1, 3). Natrium, een positief geladen ion, werkt in [...]

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