
Your Isagenix Plant-Based System

An Isagenix Weight Loss System is ideal to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Now that Isagenix offers plant-based alternatives, the benefits of the Weight Loss Systems are available to even more people! IsaLean® [...]

July 20th, 2018|Categories: Nutrition|

Pea Protein vs Whey Protein

If you’re wondering the difference between whey protein and pea protein, you aren’t alone. Researchers have compared many different types of protein for their muscle building potential (1). Specifically, they sought to determine whether pea [...]

July 19th, 2018|Categories: Nutrition|

Plant-Based Protein Explained

At Isagenix, we understand the important of formulating a plant-based shake with complete, quality protein sources. IsaLeanTM Shake Plant Based is a delicious addition to our Isagenix product range in Europe, and we’ve looked into [...]

July 18th, 2018|Categories: Nutrition|

Podcast: The Benefits of Cleanse Days

Trainer: Rebecca Haresign BSc ANutr, Product Education and Nutrition Communications Manager, Europe Learn about the benefits of Cleanse Days, and how taking a short break from regular meals can help to promote long-term well being. [...]

June 27th, 2018|Categories: Featured Home, Nutrition|
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