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90 Day Action Plan – Get Into Action!

By |July 14th, 2017|Featured Home|

In case you missed the launch onstage at Grand Opening, the 90-Day Action Plan is one of the most powerful and innovative business-building tools ever developed at Isagenix®. You can download the workbook here, and don't forget to take advantage of the free online training that can be found in your Back Office! Login, click ‘Training Centre’ at the top right of the page, then select the ’90 Day Action Plan’ button where you can opt into the training. If you're on week three in your 90-Day Action Plan, you should be beginning to feel that you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone in a positive way. You’re generating excitement about Isagenix and helping people transition to a healthy lifestyle. Real growth is about [...]

Simple Strategies to Earn Your Spot in Iceland!

By |July 13th, 2017|Featured Home|

Are you ready to change lives and earn a trip to the land of fire and ice? Build your business and earn IsaRally points toward an expenses-paid trip to Iceland from 23-27 November! Even better? We've extended the registration period to 16 July, giving you a few more days to register your team! Explore world-renowned lagoons, glaciers, waterfalls and much more while receiving exclusive training from some of our most successful global business leaders. These simple strategies will help you and your team get started toward earning points and transforming lives: Use Isagenix Products: There is no more credible testimonial than to let your own health and weight loss transformation goals speak for themselves. The more you use our many [...]

Meet Your IsaRally Vegas Winners!

By |July 12th, 2017|Featured Home|

It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for! It's time to find out who will be jetting off to Las Vegas in August to join us at the global Celebration event! We revealed the names on a Facebook Live video last night but in case you missed it, we are thrilled to announce the UK's first IsaRally winners. These 25 individuals worked incredibly hard to earn their prize and should be so proud of what they have achieved. We hope you are as excited as we are for the trip we have in store! Please join us in congratulating... Heather Atkinson Emma & Cam Poli Michelle Johnson Trisha & John Kavanagh Sharon Devlin Lara & Mark Hall-Bryce Raven Ian & Sue Smith Amy [...]

Over £6,000 raised for Make-A-Wish!

By |June 30th, 2017|Featured Home|

Contribution is at the core of Isagenix, and the passion for giving back runs deep throughout our company. Since 2012, we have been a proud partner of Make-A-Wish®, a global organisation that grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Isagenix and our Associates have helped to support Make-A-Wish in changing the lives of hundreds of children by bringing joy and hope to them and their families. Our Grand Opening event last weekend was the UK market's first chance to get involved, and the reaction from customers and Associates wanting to help has been astounding. Here's what we raised... VIP tickets: We kicked off the Grand Opening tickets sales with a VIP reserved seating option that included a £50 donation to Make-A-Wish. These [...]

Grand Opening – Day 2 Recap

By |June 25th, 2017|Events, Featured Home|

The final day of the UK Grand Opening weekend has come to a close, and we can't quite believe it's all over! We opened today's show with an amazing performance from the Flawless dance troupe which raised the roof and got the entire crowd excited for the day ahead. From there, our fantastic speakers and leaders took us through their own tips for success, why events are so essential for you and your teams, and how the START movement is changing young people's lives around the world. And that's not all! We also heard all about the charitable contributions of Make-A-Wish, and launched the next IsaRally contest to win a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Iceland. There were some very excited people in [...]

IsaRally to Iceland – The Race Is On!

By |June 25th, 2017|Featured Home|

Just launched onstage at the UK Grand Opening event, the next IsaRally contest has begun! This time we’re treating the winners to an amazing prize trip to stunning Iceland where you’ll explore the best of what it has to offer including the world-renowned Blue Lagoon. Towering glaciers, foaming waterfalls, magnificent landscape and much more await you! So how can you win? This time it’s all about working as a team! Bring your team together and take your business-building activity to new heights as you work towards the prize. Full details on how to get started and set up your team can be found here. What is the prize?  The Top 10 teams will qualify for this incredible trip, along with [...]

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