
Everything you need to know about Isagenix Academy

By |March 3rd, 2021|Events|

Join us virtually for a line up you won't want to miss at one of our main events this year, Isagenix Academy! Reset your way of thinking and discover your 'why' with a world leading trainer, receive training on a new promotion so you can maximise your success and learn how to up your social media game, all within two hours! Register here: Topics and speakers How to maximise success with our new promotion Trainers: Esther and Tom, 2 Star Golden Circle, 2 Star Crystal Executive A new promotion is great, but what’s even better is getting trained on the skills you’ll need to earn some serious rewards. That’s exactly what Esther and Tom are here to do! This [...]

Doe mee aan de achtweekse Nederlandse Leadership Training

By |March 3rd, 2021|Uncategorized|

Deze training van acht weken is voor alle Associates die hun business willen laten groeien, of je nu net bent begonnen of al jaren met Isagenix bezig bent. Je neemt deel aan acht trainingen die worden gegeven door top businessbuilders uit Nederland en België. Zij zullen je alles leren over verschillende netwerkmarketingvaardigheden die je gaan helpen om een volgende stap te maken! Belangrijke details Taal: Nederlands Data: Elke zaterdag, 6 maart – 24 april Tijd: 10am CET Zoom ID: 2941717729 Evenementenpagina: Ontmoet de sprekers Week 1: 30 Dagen action plan, Kelly Verlez Kelly werkte 16 jaar als Retail Manager, maar ondanks dat ze een mooie baan had met een goed salaris, had ze het gevoel dat ze gewoon haar [...]

Peter Van Der Heyden takes his goals to the next level with Isagenix

By |February 26th, 2021|Product|

Ex-professional Club Brugge player, Peter Van Der Heyden, scored in the World Cup, played over 50 times for Belgium’s national team and even did a few seasons in Germany. We were lucky enough to chat to him about his new favourite workout partner, Isagenix! Find out how he’s using Isagenix to help stay fit after his long professional football career, and why he now wouldn’t train without our AMPED products. Why did you start using Isagenix? I found about Isagenix through my friend Patrick who was really excited about it coming to Germany. I loved the sound of the products, so I decided to give it a go. What stood out to me was the combination of having amazing products, [...]

Peter Van Der Heyden tilt zijn doelen naar een hoger niveau met Isagenix

By |February 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Ex-profvoetballer van Club Brugge, Peter Van Der Heyden, scoorde tijdens het WK, speelde meer dan 50 keer voor de nationale ploeg van België en speelde zelfs een paar seizoenen in Duitsland. We hadden het geluk met hem te kunnen praten over zijn nieuwe favoriete workoutpartner, Isagenix! Ontdek hoe hij Isagenix gebruikt om fit te blijven na zijn lange professionele voetbalcarrière, en waarom hij nu niet meer zou trainen zonder onze AMPED-producten. Waarom ben je Isagenix gaan gebruiken? Ik hoorde over Isagenix via mijn vriend Patrick die erg enthousiast was over de komst ervan naar Duitsland. Ik vond de producten goed klinken, dus ik besloot het eens te proberen. Wat me opviel was de combinatie van geweldige producten, met de mogelijkheid [...]

L’app IsaLife è ora disponibile in Portogallo, Italia e Francia!  

By |February 21st, 2021|Uncategorized|

Siamo lieti di annunciare che l’app IsaLife è sbarcata in Europa! Perché è un’ottima notizia? Oltre al monitoraggio dei pasti, alla semplicità di registrazione a IsaBody e al monitoraggio della forma fisica, non potrai fare a meno dei carrelli consigliati. Forse il nome non è dei più accattivanti, ma, fidati, faranno davvero la differenza. Se sei un business builder, puoi condividere carrelli di acquisto preconfigurati con potenziali clienti tramite l’app, permettendo loro di effettuare un ordine nel giro di pochi minuti! La cosa si fa interessante? Continua a leggere per scoprire cosa può fare l’app per i clienti e gli associati. Quali sono i vantaggi dei carrelli consigliati? In poche parole, se sei un associato puoi usare questa funzionalità per [...]

A aplicação IsaLife já agora disponível em Portugal, Itália e França!  

By |February 21st, 2021|Uncategorized|

A aplicação IsaLife está a ser implementada na Europa e não poderíamos estar mais contentes! Uma excelente notícia. Porquê? Bem, a par de acompanhar as refeições, do fácil registo no IsaBody e do acompanhamento da atividade física, vai adorar os pacotes recomendados. Certo, o nome pode não ser entusiasmante, mas, acredite, são um fator de mudança. Se está a construir um negócio, pode partilhar pacotes de compras pré-configurados com potenciais clientes através da aplicação, de modo a que estes possam fazer a sua primeira encomenda em poucos minutos! Já temos a sua atenção? Continue a ler para saber o que é que a aplicação pode fazer por si, quer seja um Cliente ou um Associado. Porque devo ficar entusiasmado com [...]

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