9 Days Left – IsaRally To Celebration Ends 25 June!
June 16, 2017,

It’s crunch time! There’s only a little over a week left for you and your team to earn IsaRally points toward a trip to Celebration 2017 in Las Vegas!
There is still time to grow your team and strengthen your business to help you earn points during this final stretch. Every point counts toward earning a Top 20 spot in the rankings, and earning an amazing expense-paid* trip to Las Vegas that includes exclusive training with top leaders!
Here is a quick refresher of important ways you can earn additional points in these final days:
- Help your teammates enlist in the IsaBody Challenge
- Be accountable to your teammates
- Communicate proactively and consistently with your team
- Maintain flexibility with both individual and team goals
Are people in your team working towards the IsaRally Top 20?
It’s your job to help them stay on track by sharing your knowledge! Need a few pointers?
1. Reinforce Your Goals: Ideally, you have set specific goals. Now is a great time to review these objectives and determine what you can do during this final stretch. Perhaps, focusing on growth is a strategy, or maybe reviewing and revising your expectations.
2. Use the Buddy System: Whether it serves as motivation, mentorship or to simply encourage each other, setting up a ‘buddy system’ by having a more successful person in your team serve as a mentor for others can provide a mental boost and help everyone maintain focus toward achieving their goals. Everyone is more successful when working together. After all, in Isagenix we are all ‘One Team’!
3. Share the Message: Communication is at the heart of every successful business, so set aside some time every couple of days or even weekly for calls, emails or social media chats with your team. It’s a great way to be proactive in identifying any challenges and forming solutions.
More information on the incredible prize and how to be in the winning Top 20 can be found here!
Move fast before the 25 June deadline!
*Winners may be responsible for additional expenses incurred during the trip that are not expressly stated in the prize package. Please review the IsaRally Vegas flyer for more details.