
Nutrition Q&A: The Truth about Protein

By |September 13th, 2017|Featured Home, Nutrition|

As a nation we’re becoming more interested in increasing the amount of protein in our diets to help meet our goals, but how much do you really know about protein? We met up with Isagenix UK’s very own Product Education and Nutrition Communications Manager, Rebecca Haresign, to look at what protein is, how much we need, and how protein can help us reach our goal. What is protein and what does it do? Protein is found in every cell of the body, and is essential for the constant growth and repair of tissues. Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids, and it is this sequence of amino acids that determines the biochemical function of each protein (1). [...]

Sugars in Isagenix Products

By |September 6th, 2017|Featured Home, Featured International, Nutrition|

When you look at the ingredient labels of Isagenix products, you’ll probably notice that some of them include sugar. This might occur in different forms such as dextrose, sucrose, fructose, honey, molasses and agave syrup. Is sugar bad for me? Sugars are a type of carbohydrate that are found naturally in many foods that contribute to a healthy diet including fruit, vegetables and dairy products (1). All carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars, such as glucose, before being absorbed by the body. The body’s tissues require a constant supply of glucose which is used to fuel metabolic functions within the body (1). Consuming a small amount of sugars as part of a balanced diet is not bad for your [...]

Maintaining your weight loss

By |August 30th, 2017|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Achieving your target weight is a challenge but maintaining those results can be even harder. In fact, only around 20% of people manage to keep weight off for at least a year after reaching their target weight (1). Are you struggling with keeping the weight off? Read on for some helpful tips on sustaining your weight loss plan this autumn. Maintenance Tips Isagenix products and systems are a great starting point to help you succeed in your weight management journey. We’ve also come up with a few tips for continuing your healthy lifestyle. After all, you worked so hard to get here! Develop Healthy Habits At the start of any successful nutrition plan and exercise routine, developing healthy habits is [...]

How and When to Customise Your Shake Day

By |August 23rd, 2017|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Ready to lose weight? What better way to start than by ordering the 30-Day Weight Loss System. Open the box, and follow the simple instructions and…bam! Results! Well, not exactly. While this may work for many, there are some individuals who may need to customise their systems, in particular their Shake Days. Within the Isagenix 30-Day Weight Loss System, a Shake Day consists of two IsaLeanTM Shakes, two 100-150 calorie snacks and a 400-600 calorie meal, which adds up to between 1,000 and 1,400 calories per day. (See our recommended Shake Day schedule). In the UK, an average adult male requires 2,500 calories per day, and an average adult female requires 2,000 calories per day. Some people may require more or less energy [...]

Tips for Your Best Cleanse Day* Ever!

By |August 16th, 2017|Featured Home, Nutrition|

The most important thing to remember is that there are many ways to be successful on Cleanse Days* - it just takes finding the ways and habits that work best for you. Take ownership of your Cleanse Day, personalise it to suit your needs and body, and the motivation and commitment will come with far less effort than you’d think. Before you know it, you’ll be happily maintaining your health. To help you get there, here are a few of our top tips! Follow a schedule. During a Cleanse Day*, the temptations to slip up can be overwhelming. Whether it’s your co-workers convincing you to cave into unhealthy lunch options or late-night boredom that challenges your motivation, it can be [...]

Are Carbs More Fattening Than Fat?

By |August 14th, 2017|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Avoiding carbs is becoming a major food trend. Between updated menus and celebrity diets, more health-conscious individuals are ditching the carbs found in potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other grains, and opting to eat more fat instead. But are carbohydrates as fattening as we think they are? Weight loss and weight gain are all to do with energy balance (1). If you are consuming more energy (calories) than your body needs, it leads to weight gain over time. These calories can come from any of the macronutrients – carbohydrates, fat, or protein – as they all provide the body with energy. However, they don’t all provide the body with equal amounts of energy. Carbohydrates = 3.7 kcal per gram Protein [...]

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