Meet your IsaBody Round 3 Finalists
January 13, 2021,
Ashleigh Turnbull

After trying every diet under the sun, Ramon was looking for a sustainable lifestyle change. He’s been using Zija products for years, and after they joined up with Isagenix, he started seeing some amazing results from people using Isagenix products, so he decided to take the plunge. He never expected to get to this point of being a finalist, and now he can’t believe his own results!
“I’ve always been overweight, and during lockdown I became even more inactive. I just knew I needed to make a change. I’m a very competitive person, so joining IsaBody just seemed like the obvious choice for me as a way to keep me accountable – plus you get a product coupon just for reaching your goals!
After just one month on the products I was so surprised, I really didn’t expect to see such a difference in myself. In total I’ve lost 21.6kg, and I’m going to keep because I just feel so healthy and energetic! I’ve tried a lot of lifestyle changes before, but there is honestly nothing in comparison to the flavour and texture of the Isagenix products, and they leave you feeling so full.
I believe everything happens for a reason, and this was meant to happen for me. Now I can play with my son which is priceless, and I have more energy and drive. My next goal is just to continue doing what I’m doing, reach my goal of 105kg and gain more muscle. I can’t wait to share my results with more people and grow my business – we have such an amazing opportunity in our hands.”
After going through a really challenging time, Liona had to stop ice skating which was her passion in life. She’d always been really active, so after a long time without exercise combined with emotional eating, she knew she wanted to do something to feel fit and healthy again. Now our new IsaBody Finalist, she’s finally found that healthy balance, and she’s back doing what she loves, ice skating!
“I found out about Isagenix through a friend from ice skating, a sport that I’d been doing for seven years. I got to quite a high level, but with such a busy school life, I had to start going less, but then at the same time my grandmother became ill, so I eventually stopped going all together. On top of this, my parents got divorced, and I’m an emotional eater, so slowly after time I became less active and felt really sluggish from overeating.
I just thought I had nothing to lose, and as soon as I started the plan, I realised how easy it is to follow. I didn’t really need to change anything, I didn’t have to count calories or make lots of meal plans, and the best thing is that I finally found that healthy balance! I was so proud with my progress and felt full from all the good food I was eating, that I found it very easy to have treats in moderation and feel satisfied. I now don’t wait all week to get a treat, I just have a small bit of what I fancy, when I want, which I think is the key to avoiding cravings.
The most amazing thing for me is that I’ve started figure skating again which makes me so happy. I feel really fit and excited again, and I’ve got so much energy so I’m also back in the gym. It feels amazing to be so active after years of doing nothing. It’s changed my life!”
Our brand new IsaBody Finalist has an infectious energy you can’t shake off. These products changed his life in more ways than he can imagine, and the biggest shift is his mindset! Chat to him for five minutes and you will know what we mean – you can’t help but feel inspired after talking to him. He said he’d love to be a brand ambassador, but we think he’s already earned that title!
“I’ve been self-employed my whole life, and as a tradesman I ate unhealthily. Even though I’d always felt fit on the outside, I wasn’t looking after my body on the inside and I had no idea about food. I’ve always wanted to be healthy, so when my friend introduced me to Isagenix I just gave it a go, and my energy and vitality levels sky-rocketed, I honestly couldn’t believe it. I just felt so good! Before, I wasn’t hitting my health goals, and now I’ve got something I love, that keeps me feeling full and tastes amazing.
My new morning ritual is a shake instead of bacon and eggs, and I can’t tell you how much more energy I have. I now have time in the morning to take a moment for myself, decide how I can challenge myself that day, and I feel like I’m properly looking after myself again. The plan is just so simple, why make life difficult for yourself! I also have a shake for lunch, and a balanced meal in the evening which means I have so much more time on my hands that would have been spent meal prepping. I am also obsessed with the AMPED Post-Workout to help me recover after a hard workout or football game.
My favourite thing about Isagenix is my mindset change – I feel like I’m growing as a person and I love knowing I’m representing products that change people’s lives. I also love the accountability you get from the community – I’m so grateful to be a part of it. My next steps? I’m going to keep being best version of myself and hopefully people will resonate with the story. The response I got from my first Isagenix post was insane, and I’m just imagining what I can do in another 90 days. I can’t wait to share this with other people.”
Keen to start your own IsaBody journey? Click here for more details.
Results not typical. In a study performed in 2012 by University of Illinois at Chicago researchers, subjects lost an average of 9 pounds with an average of 2 pounds of the loss from visceral fat after 30 days on an Isagenix System. The subjects also had a greater level of adherence and had more consistent weight loss from week to week compared to subjects on a traditional diet. For more information on the study, visit
In a two-phase study performed in 2015-16 by Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, researchers evaluated use of Isagenix products for weight loss followed by weight maintenance. As part of the weight-loss phase, the participants took part in a calorie-controlled regimen of Shake Days and one Cleanse Day per week and lost an average of 24 pounds after 12 weeks. During the weight-maintenance phase, the subjects who continued the calorie-controlled program using Isagenix products better maintained their weight loss in comparison to those who transitioned to a traditional diet after 52 weeks.