Meet your IsaBody finalists!
June 16, 2020,

Meet your 2020 IsaBody Round 1 finalists! These three competitors have been selected by our judging panel to have the top three transformations in the whole of round 1! At the end of the year, after all three rounds have completed, nine finalists will go head to head to become the IsaBody Grand Prize Winner. Check out their inspiring transformation stories!
Matt Spencer
My long-term relationship ended at the same time that I started a new job, so I was putting all my energy into work and had no time for my social life. I felt like I was plodding through life, I was missing meals and I felt so self-conscious because I was losing weight. But after attending an Isagenix event, it really helped me see where I wanted to be, so I started my IsaBody right away to turn things around!
The Challenge fell over my birthday and Christmas, but I still had results and never missed a workout! A big perk of the system is the convenience – I’m a golf coach, so I don’t have set days or much structure, so this meant I stopped missing meals because the Shakes are ready in less than a minute, there’s no meal prep and it’s so easy to track what you’re eating.
The best change for me is my new-found confidence. My physical appearance has changed as part of the process, but now I have belief in myself! My worklife has improved and my social life is better because I’m so much happier. I now feel confident and have motivation again!
By being confident and speaking out about your own experience, it can help others talk about their own insecurities. It’s amazing that this has helped create better physical and mental health for not only me, but my friends but also my family.
Nilca Prinsen
My goal to start with Isagenix was short but sweet: decrease my body fat percentage. Despite the fact that I exercise intensively three times a week, my fat percentage remained high.
My friend Adele told me about Isagenix, but after I heard it was shakes I was skeptical. I’d tried other shakes before and I was always hungry, had very little energy and felt cranky. But I thought it over for a week and decided to give them a go for 30 days. I told myself it would be my last attempt, and now it definitely is because I now don’t need anything else! I’ve found my health solution!
After a month, my fat percentage went down from 33% to 30%. My gym was also surprised by the results! These shakes are different to the rest – they actually nourish your body with everything you need, I never felt hungry and I have so much more energy! I used to feel like I needed so much more sleep, but now I’m up at 6 and I head to the gym at 7! My fat percentage is down to 26% and I have lost about 9 kilos! The Cleanse Days always get easier each time I do them.
I’m so happy with my results, what an amazing experience. I’m now looking forward to meeting everyone around Europe who I’ve connected with through IsaBody!
Sam Edwards
I started my IsaBody Challenge after a summer of overindulging with beer, BBQs, weekends away with too much ice cream and takeaways, and a 2-week all-inclusive holiday. I had so much fun, but I wasn’t pressing my off switch, so with all this overindulging, my mood and energy was going downhill. My negative thoughts can spiral very fast when I’m not taking care of myself.
Enough was enough, I was ready to start afresh so I started my next challenge, and this time I went alcohol free and pushed my body to new limits. My body and mind started rewarding me after just a few days, I got my spark back, I had bounce in my step my family noticed the difference in me straight away!
Things seemed like they couldn’t get better, but then AMPED Nitro was released, BOOM! My training went to the next level. I had so much more energy and the results were insane. Then AMPED Post-Workout was launched, and my recovery went from a few days, to being ready to train again the next day. I started setting myself physical challenges and I hit PB’s in every aspect of my training, I ran up the highest peaks around Bristol, I’m now lifting way more than my body weight!
The beauty of this system is that you can go on holiday and enjoy yourself but come back and get straight back into it to reach your peak again. I highly recommend this to anyone if you’re feeling like you don’t want to feel the way you do anymore. Do this 16-week challenge. You can make a change with this amazing system!
*Weight loss should not be considered typical. A study showed an average weight loss of 24 pounds after 12 weeks. Participants took part in a calorie-controlled regimen of Shake Days and one Cleanse Day per week.