Meet our IsaBody Challenge Honourable Mentions for Round 3 2021
December 14, 2021,
Ashleigh Turnbull

These Round 3 IsaBody Honourable Mentions are all the inspiration you need for your wellness journey. Hear how they changed their lives with the IsaBody Challenge and get ready to be inspired!

Tim Goossens
“What gives me the greatest satisfaction is that I can also help others to achieve their goals, thanks to Isagenix”
Training and meal prepping have always been a focus for Tim, but an intense and stressful job, working long shifts, meant that he often skipped meals and was left feeling fatigued at the end of a busy day. Tim was looking for an easy solution to make sure he got the nutrients he needed to support his daily lifestyle. Isagenix was just the solution he was looking for!
“I noticed a remarkable difference as soon as I started using the Isagenix products. I had more energy, I felt more productive and my wellbeing had improved significantly. The system is super easy to follow and saves me so much time compared to meal prepping. My favourite products are the Chocolate IsaLean™ Shake and Isagenix Greens™.”
“It’s not just the products that have made a difference, it’s the Isagenix community too. My first IsaBody Challenge was an emotional roller-coaster and I was hit hard by the loss of a close friend. But the IsaBody Challenge gave me something to focus on in order to stay strong and keep driving to be a better version of myself every day. I feel at home with Isagenix”
“I was so amazed by my own results, I started sharing Isagenix products with my friends. Not only am I in the best shape of my life, I can become a part of other peoples wellbeing journey and that gives me the most satisfaction.”
“My next goal is to use the Energy & Performance range to build more strength and muscle mass. I am ready for my next IsaBody Challenge!”

Melanie Overbeek
“Isagenix has totally changed my life!”
Like many people at the start of their wellbeing journey, Melanie was skeptical at first. But after a short time using the Isagenix system, she noticed a huge difference and now Melanie is looking to motivate others to live a healthier lifestyle.
“Before I started my IsaBody Challenge, my body felt completely out of balance, I was deeply unhappy and as a result I neglected myself a little bit. The Isagenix Weight Loss pack gave my body the nutrients it needed and I started to feel the difference in my wellbeing very quickly. I felt better and better after every week of following the system.”
“But it wasn’t just me that noticed the difference, my friends and family did too! They complimented me on how radiant I looked and asked me how they could achieve that result themselves. That’s when I started to share the products and signed up my first customers! Now we have a team that keep each other motivated through video calls and meetings.”
“Isagenix has totally changed my life. I am happier, healthier and a more fun-loving mother, sister and woman. I wish for everyone to experience the same results as me and I love to motivate others to live a healthy lifestyle”

Susana Beatriz Pineda
“I achieved the body transformation I wanted, thanks to Isagenix”
Susana was motivated to make a change and after hearing from her colleagues about Isagenix, she got started with her first IsaBody Challenge. Not only would she be getting the motivation she needed, she’d also get a product coupon and a T-Shirt for completing the challenge. It was a win-win for Susana!
“I love my food so I was curious if the IsaLean shakes would satisfy my appetite, but they did! The flavours are delicious and with a choice of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla, I never got bored of them. Another thing I love about the IsaLean shake is that they make it so easy for me to get the nutrients I need in a quick, convenient and delicious shake. The thought of Cleanse Days made me nervous and I didn’t think I would be able to do it, but I found them surprisingly easy and I felt so good afterwards.”
“Everyone compliments me on how I look and I’m so happy with my results. For my next IsaBody Challenge, I’m going to focus on building muscle mass. Now that I have achieved the body transformation I wanted, I know I can achieve my next goal with Isagenix.”

Birgit Fürlinger
“It’s nice when people around me compliment my transformation”
IsaBody Challenge first-timer, Birgit, was determined to shake off some extra weight that was making her unhappy. She was thrilled not only with the weight she lost, but how much better she was feeling overall and is now determined to stick to her new lifestyle.
“I start everyday with Ionix® Supreme and Thermo GX™. I have a shake for lunch at work and then a balanced meal in the evening. When I started my challenge, I did one Cleanse Day a week, but because they work so well for me, I can now do two Cleanse Days a week. Some weeks it’s harder than others to stick to a Cleanse Day but the Isagenix Snacks™ kept me going.”
“Besides eating better, I also began a weekly exercise programme of walking and using the cross trainer, which also helped me with my weight loss journey. I am so happy with the results and it’s nice when people around me compliment my transformation. I will definitely continue with this lifestyle”
Be one of our next IsaBody Challenge Honourable Mention or even Finalists!
The IsaBody Challenge® is kind of a big deal to our entire Isagenix family. How could it not be? It’s a 16-week journey to work toward whatever wellbeing goal you set your mind to and it includes your own personal cheer team every step of the way to help make it happen.
Results not typical. In a study performed in 2012 by University of Illinois at Chicago researchers, subjects lost an average of 9 pounds with an average of 2 pounds of the loss from visceral fat after 30 days on an Isagenix System. The subjects also had a greater level of adherence and had more consistent weight loss from week to week compared to subjects on a traditional diet. For more information on the study, visit
In a two-phase study performed in 2015-16 by Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, researchers evaluated use of Isagenix products for weight loss followed by weight maintenance. As part of the weight-loss phase, the participants took part in a calorie-controlled regimen of Shake Days and one Cleanse Day per week and lost an average of 24 pounds after 12 weeks. During the weight-maintenance phase, the subjects who continued the calorie-controlled program using Isagenix products better maintained their weight loss in comparison to those who transitioned to a traditional diet after 52 weeks.