Meet our 2022 Round 1 IsaBody Honourable Mentions
August 26, 2022,
Carolina Martinez 
I am so proud of my results – it’s not just about getting fit or looking good, but I have learned it’s about being healthier. I focused on strength so I signed up with a personal trainer, and thanks to my Isagenix nutrition and his workout guide, I was able to build up muscle for the first time in my life. Getting stronger meant I actually gained weight, but I’m healthier now!
Since I decided to follow through with this programme, I keep going even on days when I don’t feel like it because I promised myself. Getting healthy and keeping up your promises is all about consistency – that is the key to accomplishing everything you set your mind to. It can take just five minutes to get back on track. I discovered that doing the thing you said you were going to do, even when you don’t feel like doing it, gives you even more satisfaction.
I love the place where I am right now, health wise and emotional wise. I see many of my friends experiencing menopause for the first time, and I feel in the best health of my life ever. I know this is a habit I will keep for life and hope many others feel motivated to do the same.
Michel Moyaert 
What a special experience this Challenge was. I’d followed a wellness programme before, but never one like this. What strikes me most after these three months is that I feel better in my own skin and have more energy. I feel less tired, my sleep is better and deeper and I wake up more rested. But for me personally the biggest win is that my pimples have cleared up! I had been bothered and embarrassed by this for more than ten years.
The individually packaged IsaLean Shakes make it very easy to follow because I’m often on the go. I just kept some in the car, my sports bag and work bag, so I always had my healthy meal at hand. e-Shots are one of my favorite products, and if I have a big job or have to work a long day, these are a real booster for me. I experience a more awake feeling and a slight energy boost, but not in an aggressive or overwhelming way that I used to experience with fitness products.
I have decided to do at least one new IsaBody Challenge every year and next time I’ll combine it with fitness because the results I saw from the other participants motivate me enormously. A few of my friends have also got started after seeing my results, and they’ve also achieved their own weight loss!
Rein Corselis
Initially I was introduced to Isagenix through using Collagen Elixir which gave me an extra glow, fewer pimples on my face and my hair looked healthier – even the hairdresser noticed!
But I also had a goal to lose 10kg by my wedding in May 2022, because over lockdown I gained weight. I tried the Cleanse Days, which meant even over Christmas I still lost weight. Then at the beginning of 2022, I started working out more and with the advice of my fitness coaches Michael and Gil, I started drinking IsaLean Shakes which helped me lose weight. After four weeks of Shake Days, I lost 3-4kg, and I had more energy. I felt much better in my own skin throughout the entire challenge. I feel confident that with the help of IsaLean Shakes and Cleanse Days I will reach my goal and be back in good shape, with an extra glow in my face thanks to the Collagen Elixir. Thanks Isagenix!
Thomas Fowles 
I’ve enjoyed every minute of this Challenge, so much so that I am going to sign up again! It’s so easy to do, just follow the amazing nutrition and guidance, and you’ll see results.
When I took my before pictures, I didn’t actually realise how out of shape I was, and how unhealthy I looked. This was the start of taking care of myself, not just how I looked but what I was putting in my body. Alcohol was becoming more of a ritual than an enjoyment, so from New Year’s Day I stopped drinking and haven’t had a drink since. I didn’t want any excuses to get in the way of my training to help me achieve my goals.
Don’t get me wrong I have had days where I’ve driven past a fast food place and indulged, but life is about balance and it’s all part of a sustainable lifestyle. I have really changed my mindset while doing this challenge and I’ve signed up to do more things in health and fitness because it has given me my confidence back. I used to have a poor relationship with food and Isagenix has helped remind me how important nutrition is. Bring on the next 16 weeks, I am ready to go!