Hear from our IsaBody Challenge Honourable Mentions for Round 2 2021
October 6, 2021,
Ashleigh Turnbull

Our Round 2 Honourable Mentions have achieved incredible transformations and their wellness journeys will inspire you! Let’s get to know them a little better to find out how they changed their lives with the IsaBody Challenge and what has earned them a spot as a Round 2 Honourable mention.

Carly Hewitt
United Kingdom
“This IsaBody Challenge was everything to me during a tough time.”
New baby + Lockdown = a physically and mentally exhausted Carly. Carly was desperate to feel better, start exercising, and get back to a good place after having an extremely difficult time. So, as soon as she could, Carly signed up for the IsaBody Challenge and instantly felt better to have a goal to focus on.
“Having a goal got me up in the morning with a skip in my step and I’d either squeeze in a workout before the kids woke up or workout with them. To help me in my challenge my husband made me an outdoor gym area too”
“Halfway through my challenge, I took things to the next level. I was able to use Amped Nitro and Post-workout and smashed double Cleanse Days. It was game-changing. I was noticing improvements in my body, fitness and strength which drove me even more.”
“The challenge was also a great way for our team to stay connected during lockdown and lifted everyone’s mood. I connected with customers and we started supporting each other, doing online workouts and group Cleanse Days. I’ve actually arranged a monthly workout for everyone and I can’t wait! I am forever grateful for Isagenix products, company, support, and culture.”

Nuno Sousa
“The AMPED line is fantastic for those who train in the gym.”
Nuno had goals he wanted to achieve, but he didn’t have the motivation or the energy to get started…until his sponsor, Michael Clouse, introduced him to the IsaBody Challenge.
“I was super curious when Michael told me that I could achieve my goals by using the Isagenix system. As soon as I started having the IsaLean Shakes and Nourish for Life, I immediately started to feel better and full of energy. Using the AMPED products helped me train harder and I would highly recommend those products to anyone that goes to the gym.”
“My physical transformation has improved my self-esteem and made me feel more confident in my day to day life. My plan is to continue using the products to build more muscle”

Piedad Batanero Carnicero
“I couldn’t be happier, prouder and more pleased with myself”
Piedad felt completely overwhelmed with all the diets she had tried and didn’t know what to do to get the results she wanted. But her friend Erika Ampuero was the inspiration she needed to get started on her IsaBody journey. She might have been reluctant to try the system at first, but now she can’t imagine life without Isagenix!
“Once I started the process of change towards a new, healthier lifestyle, I saw how easy it was and the experience has been wonderful. For me, the Cleanse days have been amazing and the IsaLean shakes are very tasty.”
“I’ve achieved results I never thought possible and I’m now more motivated to continue my challenge and improve my healthy lifestyle even more. I believe that Isagenix will always be a part of my life”

Kelly Ann Hutchinson
United Kingdom
“If someone said to me a year ago this was possible, I wouldn’t have believed them!”
After having her wedding postponed due to the pandemic, Kelly’s mission was to make sure she was in the same shape she was pre-lockdown so that she could still fit into her dream dress. She was sceptical at first but when she started to see the results of the weight loss system, she felt more motivated than ever to stick to her challenge.
“I was elated when I could fit back into the wedding dress I fell in love with. These products have literally changed my life, I feel like a whole new person; I have more confidence and I feel incredible! The products taste delicious and the snacks are an extra tasty bonus too! There has not been one single day I have felt hungry, a vanilla smoothie bowl is definitely my favourite.”
“I’m now constantly thinking about how I can help other people feel as good as I do. I cannot wait to share my before and after photos to show that I’m living proof that such a change is possible”
Results not typical. In a study performed in 2012 by University of Illinois at Chicago researchers, subjects lost an average of 9 pounds with an average of 2 pounds of the loss from visceral fat after 30 days on an Isagenix System. The subjects also had a greater level of adherence and had more consistent weight loss from week to week compared to subjects on a traditional diet. For more information on the study, visit IsagenixHealth.net
In a two-phase study performed in 2015-16 by Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, researchers evaluated use of Isagenix products for weight loss followed by weight maintenance. As part of the weight-loss phase, the participants took part in a calorie-controlled regimen of Shake Days and one Cleanse Day per week and lost an average of 24 pounds after 12 weeks. During the weight-maintenance phase, the subjects who continued the calorie-controlled program using Isagenix products better maintained their weight loss in comparison to those who transitioned to a traditional diet after 52 weeks.