Congratulations to our Round 2 Honourable Mentions!
October 16, 2020,

Julie Carr
Julie never thought she’d be in the running for IsaBody because she didn’t have lots of weight to lose, but little did she know we were so inspired by her overall transformation! She’s found something that helps her feel happier and healthier and works for her long term, so if that’s not a transformation, we don’t know what is!
“I’ve always been fit and healthy – my dad even grows his own vegetables – so I was skeptical, but then I compared the nutrition of the shakes with what I was eating daily. I realised they gave me more protein and nutrition without all the prep, so I just gave it a go!
The first thing I loved was the convenience – with a busy job in the NHS, it takes away any guesswork around nutrition! I also think good food and exercise is the key to feeling happier, so with my nutrition coupled with my running, I now feel in such a great place. For me it wasn’t about the physical side, I didn’t actually notice I’d physically changed until I put the pictures side by side!
All these years with Isagenix and countless IsaBody Challenges later, I’m still having two shakes a day whilst I’m working because it’s perfect for my busy job, but then at the weekend I can still indulge and have balance!”
Thomas Richardson
Tom got started because he has tried so many ‘diets’ before that had no long-term maintenance plan. He wanted something that was going to help him stay healthy for life, so after seeing his son successfully maintain his weight with Isagenix, he knew he was onto something!
“I always say I’m not on a diet, I’ve changed my lifestyle. So far, I have lost 35kg (5st), and I don’t plan to put it back on! Aside from weight loss, I was also surprised by the overall benefits – I just thought it would help me lose weight, but actually I felt better in myself, I slept better and I had more energy.
My wife also joined which meant we could support each other through it and we started exercising together! I used to struggle to walk, but now for 200 days in a row we’ve walked 5km together and we’ve taken about 25 minutes off our time. Aside from the obvious benefits of becoming more active, we’ve got to know each other all over again because we talk for the whole walk – sometimes you don’t even realise that you’ve gone a whole day without chatting because everyone is always so busy.
Now that I’ve lost five stone, I’ve slightly upped my calories for my third meal and I have a few more snacks because I was interested to see if I would put more weight on, and I didn’t! it just showed me that I really can maintain this for life now.”
Ben Davis
Ben was in a place where he was feeling so uncomfortable in his body and mind, and he got to a point where it just clicked for him. He needed to stop his unhealthy habits of food and booze and start putting his health first. Now a few months down the line with Isagenix, the one thing his friends notice about him? That’s he’s more happy and positive! That’s what we love to hear!
“I saw Sam Edwards post about his results using Isagenix, and after trying other plans that just didn’t work for me, I decided to go for it because his results were so huge. Over my time with Isagenix, I lost 11kg (26lbs), and even in the first 14 days I could just feel I already had more energy!
After losing the weight, I now use Isagenix for performance because I’ve always been into exercise, so alongside using the shakes I use AMPED Nitro pre-workout and AMPED Post-Workout. They are the best I’ve ever tried and it’s not got excessive amounts of caffeine in it, which I love. I’m seeing better and better results in the gym and I’ve remained slim whilst gaining muscle.
The Isagenix community for me is also massive. The people are brilliant, and especially during such a turbulent time with furlough, it’s been great to have so many positive people around me!”
Vjera Kappen
Vjera had been following Susan Thijssen’s journey and watched her become an IsaBody Finalist, but she didn’t think it was going to work for her. After watching her journey for over a year, she just decided enough was enough and took the plunge – now a few months later, she’s become an Honourable Mention!
“For as long as I can remember I’ve been overweight. I’ve always been active but I just needed to find nutrition that worked for me around my lifestyle as a teacher.
With this programme I’ve lost 12kg, and I also now feel healthier and fitter. I don’t need to spend ages making my lunches or prepping food – now I can mark my students work in the time that would have been spent cooking. A huge benefit for me is my increase in energy – I used to take a nap whenever I got home from work because I was so tired, but now I actually have the energy to exercise after work!
I exercised before using Isagenix, but now I am pushing myself and the products are helping my performance. I never used to be able to run very far, so I set myself the goal of running a 5k, but now I can run a 10k! I love drinking an eShot before I go running and I use AMPED Nitro if I’m having a Personal Training session. I’m now really happy with where I am and don’t feel the need to lose any more weight, I’m just looking to tone up and get even fitter with Isagenix as my secret weapon!”
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