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Don’t miss out on our huge promotions!

By |September 7th, 2017|Featured Home, Featured International|

Isagenix is huge on offering additional perks for building your business. Don’t miss the opportunity to earn bonuses on top of your hard-earned commissions through our Isagenix promotions. We have some very special promotions RIGHT NOW until January 2018! Double Product Introduction Bonus (DPIB) or Double Product Introduction Reward (DPIR) Double your bonus when you help two or more new Members get started with a qualifying pack on Autoship during the same commission week*! If you have not signed an Associate agreement, the amount will be issued in the form of a Product Introduction Reward (PIR) coupon. To find out which are the qualifying packs, click here. Consultant Development Bonuses Available As you grow your team and begin developing Consultants [...]

Career Woman and Mum Wins it All

By |September 7th, 2017|Featured Home, Featured International, Featured IsaBody, IsaBody|

When Helen Costa-Giles heard her name announced on stage at Celebration as the 2017 IsaBody Challenge® Grand Prize Winner, at first she was frozen. A big believer in the power of visualisation, Helen visualised her name being called, but even when it happened, she still wasn’t prepared to hear it. “I was in shock,” she said. Finding the Solution Helen’s journey to the Celebration stage was not easy. It took years and multiple Challenges to earn the title of Grand Prize Winner. As a busy career woman and mum to two young boys, Helen knew that she needed a solution after an annual visit to her doctor helped her realise how bad her health was. She was obese. Until that [...]

Sugars in Isagenix Products

By |September 6th, 2017|Featured Home, Featured International, Nutrition|

When you look at the ingredient labels of Isagenix products, you’ll probably notice that some of them include sugar. This might occur in different forms such as dextrose, sucrose, fructose, honey, molasses and agave syrup. Is sugar bad for me? Sugars are a type of carbohydrate that are found naturally in many foods that contribute to a healthy diet including fruit, vegetables and dairy products (1). All carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars, such as glucose, before being absorbed by the body. The body’s tissues require a constant supply of glucose which is used to fuel metabolic functions within the body (1). Consuming a small amount of sugars as part of a balanced diet is not bad for your [...]

Will you qualify for the Founders Club?

By |September 6th, 2017|Featured Home, Recognition|

It's been a little under four months since Isagenix officially opened in the UK, and our launch in Ireland and the Netherlands is coming up fast! With this ever-expanding potential customer base and such a fantastic portfolio of products, there has never been a better time to build an Isagenix business. We know it takes hard work and commitment to achieve success, so we want to reward you. How? By ensuring you go down in Isagenix history as a member of the UK Founders Club. For those of you who haven't heard about this exclusive club, allow us to pique your interest and inspire both you and your teams to kick your business-building activity into high gear. Join The Club The Founders Club is a one-off [...]

Kick-start the new season with our Opportunity Meetings

By |September 5th, 2017|Events, Featured Home|

Get rid of your end-of-summer blues and get ready to kick-start the new season with our Opportunity Meetings! We will be coming to Manchester and Birmingham this autumn, and with us we have none other than Isagenix #1 Income Earners Worldwide Michael Clouse and Lynn Hagedorn! This is the perfect event for those of you who wish to take your business to the next level. We also encourage you to invite prospective Members to the event, for an exclusive opportunity to hear what Isagenix can do for them. Michael and Lynn have been where you are, and they achieved incredible success. Be inspired by their journey to how they got there, and learn from the knowledge they have to share. [...]

Early Bird Pricing Extended for Celebration 2018

By |September 4th, 2017|Events, Featured Home|

Last month, nearly 15,000 Isagenix Associates enjoyed their experience in Las Vegas for the biggest and most exciting event of the year, Celebration 2017, and we are already starting to think ahead to next year. We are so excited to announce that Celebration will be headed to Nashville, Tennessee in 2018! Full of culture and history, there is no better place to bring our Isagenix family together to grow both personally and professionally. And there’s even more great news too! The special early bird ticket pricing for Celebration 2018 has been extended to 9 October 2017! Make sure you purchase your tickets by then to receive the BEST value of $149. As of 10 Oct 2017, ticket prices will increase to $199, so you don’t want [...]

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