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Switching to a Healthy Lifestyle: What to Expect in the First 30 days

By |February 7th, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition|

So, you’ve made the decision to adopt a healthy lifestyle, change your eating habits, and get moving. It may seem simple at first, but the reality is that most people need to give their bodies a chance to gradually adjust to these healthy changes. Below are some of the most common challenges people report when making significant changes to their eating and lifestyle habits, along with some advice on how to manage them. Controlling appetite It’s not uncommon to feel hungry when reducing your overall calorie intake. However, be careful to not reduce your calorie intake by too much in the first 30 days. Although we recommend using our System Guides as a starting point, we’re all different and some [...]

The Success Story of a Determined Mum

By |February 6th, 2018|Featured Home, IsaBody|

Laura Hallett was, and still is a busy mum. Before her Isagenix journey, she had no time to exercise and very low self-esteem. She was self-conscious about the fact that she weighed more than when she was pregnant, and didn’t even have the confidence to use the gym that she and her husband built from scratch. Laura was starting to feel like she had lost who she was as a person to the life of a hectic parent. She started to look for ways she could get her old self back. Her husband first introduced her to Isagenix and Isagenix products, but she thought the whole thing was just a fad. After some convincing by him she finally looked in [...]

Good Nutrition on Your Rest Days

By |January 31st, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Rest days, or days off from exercise, are a chance for your muscles and tendons to recover from physical training, and provide a refreshing mental break. Many athletes report feeling more motivated and energised after rest days, so it’s important to include them as part of your routine. But how should you structure nutrition on your rest day? Intuitively it might make sense to decrease total energy intake because you’re performing less activity and therefore expending less energy. However, the reality is that you should consume a similar diet to your training days because of how the process of recovery works. Days after your workout earlier in the week, your body is likely to still be recovering from your training [...]

What happens to your body when you hit a weight-loss plateau?

By |January 24th, 2018|Featured Home, Nutrition|

Few aspects of weight loss are as frustrating as when the changes you’ve seen on the scale begin to slow down, and then seemingly stop altogether. If this sounds familiar, you may be experiencing a weight-loss plateau. Some reasons for slowed weight loss are obvious, such as when healthier diet and exercise choices begin to give way to old, less healthful habits. But it can be hard to identify the reasons for a weight loss plateau when you stick to the healthy lifestyle changes that have already helped you lose weight. Weight loss occurs when there is a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit occurs when you burn more calories than you consume, and can be created either by increasing physical [...]

Susan Sly on Time Management and Organizing Your Business for Success

By |January 18th, 2018|Featured Home|

On Monday 15 January, Millionaire and 8-Star Platinum, 2-Star Executive, Helen Koi talked us through providing a five-star service in order to create loyal Customers. She showed us the importance of really caring for your customer. Helen told us that support is important from day one when you first begin speaking to any customer, right through to when they are experiencing their 30-day pack. She explained what she meant by ‘Re-sponsor-bility’ and how to use this as a personal and business tool. Millionaire* Mindset with Susan Sly On 22 January 17 star platinum, 21 star crystal executive, Susan Sly will walk us through Time Management and Organizing Your Business for Success. Susan Sly is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer and entrepreneur.  [...]

How e-Shot can help you achieve your goals

By |January 18th, 2018|Featured Home, Product|

The novel combination of naturally sourced caffeine and herbal ingredients in e-ShotTM  is what sets it apart from other energy drinks on the market. The unique blend of ingredients also make the function of this product extremely versatile, and there are many ways to incorporate this drink into your daily routine. Whether before a workout or as a caffeinated pick-me-up mid-afternoon, e-shot can take effect quickly and provide you long-lasting energy. Feel alert throughout the day Many of us seek out coffee or some other form of caffeinated drink every morning. Why not start off the day with the powerful combination of plant based caffeine and herbal ingredients found in an e-Shot? Whilst for many a cup of coffee provides [...]

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