A New Found Confidence For Matt Dochniak

March 11, 2019,


  • Weight Loss During Challenge: +17.61lb / +8kg
  • Total Challenges Completed: 1
  • Solutions Utilised: Energy & Performance

Before Isagenix, Matt Dochniak’s friends would have described him as fit, energetic and healthy. But he wasn’t satisfied. His attempts to gain lean muscle were never as successful as he would have wished, and he would sometimes even wear tighter clothes to appear more muscular. As a PE teacher, Matt spent a lot of time talking about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, but he continuously struggled to get results and it took a toll on his confidence.

Completing the IsaBody Challenge changed Matt inside and out. He says, “In the first few weeks I felt unstoppable as the scales started to rise and muscle appeared. By week eight, people started to notice, and I felt my confidence surge.”

“I am so proud of my achievement”

Even while attending weddings and parties, Matt found it easy to stick to his routine, “Having a community of supporters and a deadline allowed me to stay on track. I was able to enjoy myself and not compromise my lifestyle. In fact, seeing friends and family at these events allowed me to share my journey, which helped me push myself further.”

Matt deliberately did not look at his before photo for a long time. When he finally put the two photos together at the end of the Challenge, he could not believe his transformation. “I am so proud of my achievement.  Although I was healthy and fit before, I now feel like I have gained the confidence and muscle definition that I have been striving towards for many years. No more breathing in to change my shape, and no more dressing to appear different.”

This PE teacher is now confident and fit which makes him an outstanding role model for his students. “I have been overwhelmed with the support and positive feedback.  I hope to inspire others to challenge themselves to reach their fitness goals.  I know the convenience and efficacy of these products has made my transformation attainable and cannot thank the Isabody Challenge enough for helping me to transform my body, my mind, and my hopes for the future.”

Because of his impressive transformation, Matt Dochniak was named an IsaBody Challenge Finalist, winning £1,000 prize money. He is now in the running to win the European Grand Prize of £5,000 and the Global Grand Prize of $50,000 USD.

*Weight loss should not be considered typical. A two-phase 2016 study published by researchers at Skidmore College showed an average weight loss of 24 pounds after 12 weeks. The study evaluated the use of Isagenix products in men and women for weight loss followed by weight maintenance. As part of the weight loss phase, the participants took part in a calorie-controlled regimen of Shake Days and one Cleanse Day per week. During the weight maintenance phase, the subjects who continued the calorie-controlled program using Isagenix products better maintained their weight loss in comparison to those who transitioned to a traditional diet after 52 weeks. For more information on the study, see IsagenixHealth.net.

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