6 ways to maximise Rapid Crystal Reset with Esther and Tom
April 14, 2021,
Ashleigh Turnbull

Rapid Crystal Reset is the hottest new promotion in town and with up to £2,960/ €3,250* up for grabs, we know you’ll all want in on the action. Esther and Tom are here to help you race through the ranks and earn some serious reward. This power couple were founders of the Netherlands market, they have since become six figure income earners** and have maintained their Executive rank every day for an entire year! To top it all off they have just been announced as 2021 Global Top Achievers. We couldn’t think of anyone better to learn how to maximise Crystal Rapid Reset so let’s see what they had to say…
Find new Associates
The first step is to look at all your customers and see who would like to become an Associate. Look for people that have had great results with the products, a good relationship with you and Isagenix. These are the people that could go on to be become the next Consultants in your team. Don’t forget to keep in regular contact with your customers. The Customer Care Cycle on the Penny Beta app can really help you stay on track with contacting your customers. So if you haven’t already, download Penny here.
Pro Tip: Give every customer the best possible experience when they join Isagenix, so they get the best results for them and are proud to be a part of the Isagenix family. This is why it’s so important to give new customers the best pack to help them reach their goals and spend time to make sure they know how to use the products.
Create new Consultants and show them how to do the same
The next step is to look at your Associates and see who your next Consultants could be. Show them the benefits of sharing Isagenix with other people and ask them if they know someone that would be interested in starting their Isagenix journey too.
Pro Tip: For Associates that have not yet reached Executive status, personally enrolled team members who were Consultants, but are not currently Paid-As Consultant, count towards your Crystal bonus qualifications if you help them regain Paid-As Consultant status!
Follow up on inactive customers
Take a look at your back office and see who has previously ordered one of the packs and simply ask them “how’s it going?”. They might be interested in starting again and just need your help to get them back on track. Why not share some of the ‘how to’ videos so they can see how easy the systems are. Bringing these people back into your business opens more opportunities to find potential new Consultants!
Look for Associates with only one customer
If an Associate in your team already has one customer then they’re halfway to becoming a Consultant. Help them to find another customer and BOOM, they’ll reach Consultant! Don’t forget to tell them about the Rapid Crystal Reset and other great promotions up for grabs when they start sharing Isagenix with more people.
Pro tip: Head to the Reports section of your Back Office and take a look at your Business Blueprint report. This will show you who in your 4PET have the potential to earn bonuses, rank advancements and more. Make sure you contact these people and give them the encouragement and motivation to achieve these promotions.
You Share, They Share, Repeat
Try the You Share, They Share, Repeat system to show people how to get to Consultant. Talk to at least 10 people a week about the benefits of sharing Isagenix with their own friends and family and just see what that does to your business! It’s amazing what will happen when you practise this business building activity every day. Not familiar with how this works? Check out more information on You Share, They Share, Repeat and other business building tools here.
Getting to Crystal Executive
Remember, if you’re recognition rank was Executive, Crystal Executive or Platinum on 22 March 2021, you’ll need to develop 10 New Consultants during the promotion period to qualify for the bonus. So that includes both new Associates and existing Associates who have never reached Consultant before.
We believe it’s possible for everyone to achieve their Rapid Crystal Reset goals, you just need to be clear on your goal and have the right mindset. Now, it’s called RAPID Crystal Reset for a reason so start planning your actions right now!
Let’s make it the best Rapid Crystal Reset ever. You can do it guys!
If you missed Tom’s training at Isagenix Academy, you can watch the recording here.
*Earnings Disclaimer
The ability to earn income under the Isagenix compensation plan depends on many factors including an individual Associate’s business, social, and sales skills; personal ambition and activity; availability of time and financial resources; and access to a large network of family, friends, and business contacts. Isagenix cannot and does not guarantee any particular level of earnings. Even Associates who dedicate a significant amount of time, effort, and personal funds may not achieve a meaningful level of success. For average earnings, please refer to the Isagenix Earnings Disclosure Statement at IsagenixEarnings.com.
**Isagenix Millionaires or Six-Figure Earners:
An Isagenix Millionaire is an Isagenix Independent Associate to whom Isagenix has paid a gross total of $1 million or more since joining Isagenix. A Six-Figure Earner is an Associate to whom Isagenix has paid a gross total of between $100,000 and $1 million since joining Isagenix.