Meet our 2021 IsaBody Round 2 Finalists
October 6, 2021,
Ashleigh Turnbull

David Finnigan
I work in Aviation which means most of the time I’m away from my family, so when I’m home, I want to be the dad who has the energy to spring into action whenever my two young boys say so. However, my boys knew that they had to wait for me to stretch for ten minutes before stepping into action! I was burnt out, both physically and mentally and even though I could see where I wanted to be with my health and fitness goals, I didn’t have the right mindset to address it because I was exhausted. I was simply operating to work, and due to working late and having little time to prepare meals, the easy option was something sugary or quick unhealthy choices.
Fortunately for me, I met Steven Hewitt and I found out that he had a similar story to myself, and he had amazing results with Isagenix. Now I only wonder why I waited 18 months to say yes to the same plan as him! Isagenix gave me the consistency I needed – two super quick smoothies a day, a balanced meal and a couple of healthy snacks gave me all the nutrition my body needed! The smoothies take 30 seconds to prepare and fill me up for hours and I actually save money now on food shopping. It really has been that easy.
After using this nutrition system, I have lost kilos of unwanted fat and gained muscle mass. I am no longer bloated and I’ve started exercising again, I wake up happier in myself and the new found energy I have is amazing. I can confidently now say I have the energy to do whatever my boys want at any given moment! Isagenix is an amazing community and I now have the growing desire to help as many people as possible find themselves again like I have.
Jochen Baele
I had already made a few attempts to lose weight, but nothing really helped, so skeptically I started Isagenix on the advice of someone I met who’d had great results with it. At first I declared him crazy, but now it’s my new lifestyle. I went from always having too much unhealthy food to now eating a healthy balanced diet with lots vegetables and fruit, and I went from doing absolutely no sport to now exercising three or four times a week. It’s been such a lifestyle change for me.
Now my mantra is to make every day count! My progress has been great – from December 2020 I started doing light walks and in April 2021 I was able to run my first 10km in under one hour. I’ve now got the bug and would like to do the 20km “kom op tegen kanker” race next year! This was once a distant dream that I never thought possible, but now it’s a reality! It was always my wish to do something like that in honour of my best friend who died of cancer 11 years ago, so I’m so grateful that I’ve found something that’s enabled me to be fit and healthy enough to achieve it!
The help and motivation you receive from everyone at Isagenix is unprecedented. From workout suggestions to ingredients and menu planning, it’s been so supportive from the get go. I’m now looking forward to my second IsaBody Challenge, to even more workouts and especially to more tasty and healthy food!
Sophie Locke
United Kingdom
Isagenix is more than a weight loss solution for me. It was the kick start I needed to help me on my journey to recovery from the hardest year of my life in 2020.
My second child was born in the first UK lockdown, and due to an undiagnosed milk intolerance, he cried uncontrollably for prolonged periods, which led me to suffer with postnatal depression, mood swings and poor eating habits. To cope I turned to hot chocolate and binge eating. I remember my worst point was Christmas 2020 – I’d put on weight, I was miserable and my mental health declined drastically, so on New Year’s Eve I promised myself 2021 would be a year of healing.
I was nervous but determined to get myself out of the black hole so, I signed up to Isagenix, I began gentle exercise by walking with my baby in his carrier, and I also signed up to counselling. I even ordered my first cook book, and I’d never enjoyed cooking but I found myself getting excited about new recipes I was going to make. Bit by bit I began to feel better. After 30 days I braved running, starting with 5k. It was hard at first, but I enjoyed the sense of achievement and quickly saw an improvement to my times and my mood. 60 days passed and I was on the road to recovery – I’d started enjoying trail running and increased my distances.
I’m 16 weeks in now and I hardly recognise myself. I’ve entered a half marathon and train with the Isagenix AMPED™ range. I’ve developed coping strategies for my mental health which don’t include unhealthy eating habits. Everyone I know tells me how energised I am, how well I look and how happy I have become! But it’s not just the big changes that have impacted me. I notice the little things too, like how I bought a new watch strap because my old one was too big, and how when I returned to work, my suit was so big I had to dig out my 10-year-old suit from when I first started my job. I could go on…
Isagenix is more than a weight loss solution for me. It is now the way I start my day, end my day and get the best performance from myself throughout the day!
Results not typical. In a study performed in 2012 by University of Illinois at Chicago researchers, subjects lost an average of 9 pounds with an average of 2 pounds of the loss from visceral fat after 30 days on an Isagenix System. The subjects also had a greater level of adherence and had more consistent weight loss from week to week compared to subjects on a traditional diet. For more information on the study, visit
In a two-phase study performed in 2015-16 by Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, researchers evaluated use of Isagenix products for weight loss followed by weight maintenance. As part of the weight-loss phase, the participants took part in a calorie-controlled regimen of Shake Days and one Cleanse Day per week and lost an average of 24 pounds after 12 weeks. During the weight-maintenance phase, the subjects who continued the calorie-controlled program using Isagenix products better maintained their weight loss in comparison to those who transitioned to a traditional diet after 52 weeks.